In The Dog House 🐶

That first sample I held between my fingertips. Sorry about that. Here is a fresh piece.


It’s still a bit early, but I do see some amber. When running 12/12 from seed, count your flowering time from the time you first see pistils. I would guess these have at least three weeks. I would feed for at least another week, IMO.


Thanks so much. I’m going to continue the feed as you said for 7 days and then two weeks flushing. I appreciate your guidance.

More pics of her.


Happy Sunday!

   So the babies are growing nicely.  The back Center girls seems to be ending a lot quicker than the other two that are next to her.  You can see the difference and all three are the CBD -   

In the front from left to right are the 2 Loco’s and care barez that I received from Sebring.
I unfortunately can’t bring the light down anymore than it is. So I’m hoping the distances that I have them from the light is good enough until the back row is ready to be harvested. Then I will be able to bring the lights down. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone in the OG Community!


Have you tried raising the plants?


Ya you can just put them up on wood blocks or something. Keep in mind those new seedlings don’t need as much light at the start…

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Yeah… They are already sitting on top of unused pots. I was hoping 20inches from the lamp was good enough. I have 3 old cookie tins, that I’m going to add to it. Thanks for the advise. I never grew autos before, so this is going to be fun. :thumbsup:



@DatDamDog bro that’s funny :smile:


Hey everyone. I’m hoping I could get some help.

I never grew autos before and right now one of the @ReikoX seeds Loco is growing a little strange. She’s still a seedling and the top of her has two balls. Is this a male auto?


Sort of looks like it, but it is tough to tell that small.


Am I the only one who looks at this and says “Holy shit”?
If that mutation could be isolated and bred as a tool with an intentional epigenetic trigger, one could have ready pollen in a couple of weeks.


It looks cool and I’m sure if this was in the hands of the right person, they can do something with it. I personally will have to kill it, if it’s a male. I’m in the business of females only. Maybe one day when I have more room, I can learn about breeding.

So here is some better photos. You guys be the judge if I should kill it before it hurts my girls.


Can’t give it to a friend to water on a windowsill?


No one I know locally. It would be cool to see it grow out. Come pick it up :grin:


My fantasies outpace my skillset by decades.


LoL. Well this was disappointing, but yet it’s my luck to get a male plant. Time to pop another one and hope for the best. I so wish I knew how to breed. I got to study more! :grin:

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Breeding will happen on its own. The trick is doing it intentionally.


My weekly update!

 Hello everyone. I hope you all are ready for the holidays and I wish you all an amazing time with your family and friends.  

So currently my cbd plants are looking like they are almost done expect for one of them. I clearly will never make the noob mistake of starting a seed from 12/12 again. I feel like an idiot. :man_facepalming:t2:

I’m officially moving out of the cabinet and I will have a tent set up just before the new year! I’m excited that I’m moving fwd. I made a lot of mistakes with this and thanks to people on here. I have been learning. So my next round is going to be awesome!

Ok here’s the girls.

My Auto. - Shes not even 3 inches and began to show plenty of hairs. I feel like I’m doing something wrong - last week my fem auto grew balls and now this week, she looks like she will be stunted, but at least she’s a female…

My midget cbd - I won’t give up on her. She’s starting to fill in and I can’t wait for all my hard work to pay off! I’m going to be pulling a pound off of her!! (In my dreams lol)

Here is the 2nd cbd. She grew straight up- I’m hoping to start to flush her next week.

Cbd # 3 - this baby I’m actually a little proud off. She has the hugest buds of the pack. She’s going to be chopped next week.

Auto # 2. Not much to say about her yet. I can’t wait to get the tent. I’m hoping she will do much better under 20/4

Group shot.

Thanks for passing by. I’m really trying my best guys. I need to get better ASAP


Hey man, those buds still look very nice and fat… don’t be too hard on yourself. Just lacking in the quantity - but personally quality over quantity any day.

I was going to say key is to veg longer but they are autos and I have never even ran an auto in my life so I have no helpful advice here.

Peace man

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