Indica? Sativa? Does it matter?

I read some info can’t remember where that concluded that terpenes where the reason why some cannabis makes you “sleepy” or “energetic/creative” not the genealogy of the cultivar being “Indica” or “Sativa.” If any of y’all have heard of this and can steer me to some scientific evidence of this I would really appreciate it​:+1:. I remember it also concluding that any plant that contains THC is an indica or indica hybrid because out of the three indica, ruderalis, sativa only true indicas produce thc while all of them produce a variety of terpenes. Any help would be much appreciated :+1:.


Here you can find some interesting info … :sunglasses:

Sativa vs. Indica: An Overview of Cannabis Types


Broad leaf, thin leaf or a little of both. Indica indicated India and Sativa means cultivated. So that leaves us to understand that you can find polarization in the polarized. Meaning sativas that burn you out and indicas with euphoric effects and more. So perhaps the nomenclature is bound to change. After all is said and done, language has painted our world over and over again and again…


Completely depends on how the high affects you.
Most people I have ever met experience their highs differently, so their is allot of experience to be gained by trying different strains to experience them.
Keep a journal of the type of smoke the effect it had on you and what you liked or disliked about it if you need to. I know it took a few years and bottles to learn what whiskeys I like to sip on after medicating. :wink: