Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

There’s also what looks like a bunch of undissolved maxi bloom at the bottom of the res. I wonder if it fell out of solution and just needs to be stirred back up.

Tap water.

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Maybe also take a small container fill it with some water and set ph and leave it over night and see if it raises. If you’re using tap water the nutes and everything may be having a reaction with the minerals and what not in your tap water. Forgot also add a little bit of nutes.

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In hydro, do y’all also monitor TDS? Does that affect PH?


That’s a smart plan. I’m gonna go stir this hoe up. And see if anything changes.

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Yeah that’s kinda a loaded question. But yes. On hydro you want to set a ec and depending the nutes you use depends on if it goes up and down in ph. You can make a small hydro setup with a 5 gallon bucket and net basket and an air stone. It’s fine to play with. I havent dabbled in it though in about 15 years now. But late 90s early 00s hydro was poppin!


So then you gonna drop the ph again tonight? @Indicana_Jones

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So this isn’t great news but a difference of 0.07 doesn’t account for a change of 0.44.

Stirring up the res resulted in no change. I think it actually went up by 0.05. I’m gonna make a 5 gallon bucket of water with comparable nutes and see what that shit does with no plant interference.


Yeah see if it’s having a reaction, the only other thing I can think of would be measure each bucket the plants are in when it’s not running and see if there’s a plant maybe with a root issue taking your ph out of wack.


This whole bullshit makes me want to go DTW so bad.

@TrichomesToStun EC is like 2.4 right now


Lol I honestly think that’s the nex thing I’m gonna play with. Started buying some stuff to try out soem coco bags. Shit is stupid cheap.

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ahhh I see. I just read about EC and it’s the standard for hydro. I was asking about TDS because that’s what we used when doing water treatment many moons ago.

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Okay so when I was crying about this shit the other day about my pH being 6.47

Here is what I’m reading with my small mix. No pH down added yet.

Begs the question, does gen hydro pH down go bad?
Gonna find out tomorrow morning I guess.

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Not sure that’s a good question. I wouldn’t think so, but never really checked.

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pH in the test bucket it 5.78

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DTW is the way to go haha way less of a headache.

Just the bubbling in a res / the water temp rising can off gas CO2 and raise the pH. It usually gets to an equilibrium at some point where it will stop rising but still might be out of range by then. Can always add more acid to counteract it.

If the plants uptake certain ions from the nutrient solution first that can also raise (and lower ) the pH depending on what is being taken up. It can happen even faster when the EC is lower.


So 6.33 base taken down to 5.78, how much ph down did it take?

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4 ml. In a 4.5 gal bucket.

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1 table spoon of gypsum 1 table spoon of maxi

I think those ratios are about right reducing a cup of each per 55 gallons down to 4.5

Close enough for ghetto science anyway. :joy:

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That’s fascinating to know about the higher uptake of specific ions effecting the pH because fucking of course it would.

When I rebuild this thing in the garage, big changes are coming. I can’t keep living like this :sob:


Hell yeah ball park in 55 gallons is close.

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