Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Well. The stage is set. Just waiting for the res to fill back up and I’ll drop that back down too. Maybe I’ll even hang around after that and let it go through a full cycle and see what that does over a 2 hr period.

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That wouldn’t be a bad idea, check after it cycles tk see if it has an instant change. Now I had an idea, you ever see the setup that has spouts the water the top of the net basket and drains to buckets and recirculates?

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Yeah they are kinda fed with a ring drip tube looking deal around the base of the plant?

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Yeah, what if you made your setup kinda like that where the drain was on the bottom of the bucket?

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I can do that. I’d still have to make little platforms to hold the buckets up off the ground.i think that would solve my problem of standing water without having to relocate the drain tubes.



Yeah I’m over here going down the rabbit hole of looking at different flood and drain designs. Some of this shit is straight wild!

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15 mins til the system fires off again.

@neogitus that’s gonna be the theme song for this thread


Mmmm got me curious how it s gonna turn

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True dat. Waiting for this thing to cycle through is gonna be the longest 30 minutes on earth.


So we got like another 15?

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5.92 the room got up to 95° with the door closed and humidity was at 60%<


Maybe its a heat thing throwing off the pH. Gotta get an exhaust shit going on in that death box.

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Just went to check temps again and I’m up to 98°. Gonna rock with the door open all night. I just did a little internet sleuthing and read that pH will go up by 0.2 with a change of 10°.

So when I set the new res at 75° to 5.77 then the room cooks up to 100 fucking degrees over night I should see an increase of 0.5. I’d say an increase of 0.44 is too close to be a coincidence.


Good night weed!! :skull:


Dam yeah that’s prettt neat, well I’m a weird way but yeah almost a thirty degree rise and almost a half point of ph. Do the heat may be setting off? Also where did you find that? That sounds like it’s worth a good read?

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Here is the source link. I gotta admit I haven’t read any of it past the few sentences that pertained to exactly what I was looking for. What do they call that? Confirmation bias? Lol. It probably will be some good reading for later.

Effects of pH and Temperature on Organic Nutrients.


Can confirm lol

Morning homie. Did you get it figured out?


Morning man. I hope so. Still haven’t checked my sample bucket of Nute water. Might do that after another hour or two of sleep :joy:


Good morning to everyone!!! @Indicana_Jones r u from SANNIES SEEDS:)…!