Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Fuck he’s got me beat on the timeline too… I just checked it. Looks like people we’re growing it in 2020.

Dude already has all the starwars names to his shit. Fucker thinks he can swoop on the Mel Brooks names too!? haha

I’ll have to go back to the drawing board on that one. I’ve been calling it that for well over a year now too :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: lol


the BETTER dark helmet!


The darkest helmet lol


The Schwartz Helmet :thinking: ?


Iron Helmet


Dark wave cap


Damn it’s 8 already. Good evening bros and broettes. I was reading an article about Sleepy Joe today. Apparently he has the covid. His symptoms are general malaise. :joy: Compared to what? I don’t think he has covid. I think when ever his batteries are run down, they’re just gonna say it’s due to the covid.


This will be the last political adjacent post I make. Just thought this shit is funny.


He’s running on those dollar tree batteries lol.

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You know what’s not running on dollar tree batteries? The larf from this grow. Bagged it up today and we are at 4 Oz’s. That’s gonna make butter for months.


Shhiioiiit lemme press a handful :rofl::rofl:

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Don’t be limited to butter. Do some coconut oil, an ethanol extraction the whole nine yards lol

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That’s all you. I’m not Dr.Science with this shit. I’ll give you a handful to squish. There’s literally a ton of this still hanging.

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There’s no science, just chefing :man_cook:

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Ive been trying to figure out a way to to get an accurate dosage on the treats we make with butter. I dunno. I feel like we are coming in somewhere between 250 and 400 per Krispy treat. These shits are not a fun time for some people :joy:


Tell me your process. Show me your math lol

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I don’t remember the math. It’s in one of these threads somewhere. We assume a baseline of 20% thc. Could be higher… I know we cook down an oz per 8oz butter.

That 8 Ozs of butter will make 3 pans of treats. 12 treats per pan. Usually 1/4 to 1/2 treat will get you square.

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Roughly 150mg per treat at that measurement.

28000x.2=5600/36= 155mg

So half that would be 75 ish lol.

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Great bedtime dosage, double the butter if you want to dial it back lol

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What’s 28000? Is that mg per oz?

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