Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Note to self: 7lbs of ice doesn’t do shit for 55 gallons of water. Maybe dropped it 2°. That’s smart. I should be freezing gallons and dropping them in the tank.


How is you air pump sent up? That’s one thing I changed on the last run. Moved the air pump to the room with the reservoirs where it’s °65 and routed the hose through a transmission cooler and hung that in front of the A/C. Worked damn good. Now all my buckets sweat good.:+1:


Oh yeah. Your flood and drain. My bad.

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Or get/make blocks, lol.


I do have air stones and a pump but for real I only ever turn them on to mix the water around while I’m adding new nutrients.

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im so paranoid of anything not 100% soluble since switching to “hydro”. diamond k says its pretty consistently soluble (90%+) for up to 200 hrs so seems good, youre all using it so it must be, but to me that says maybe it causes pH swings when it swings in solubility? im an idiot just a shot in the dark.

edit: smoklahoma saw it. get rid of the fish shit man.


At $130 a Liter I won’t be sad to see that shit go :joy:


hmm , than only thing is left is temps it seems:( i bet, they have enough roots in the buckets.

than lockout acid rain prob?

yeah i don´t think these temps are that critical at all too!

but fishshit might not the best idea in rdwc. to much ogranic matter will only feed the bad bacterias.
rdwc can be a pain in the ass or blessing.

thats why i like to use rockwool, because it as all advantages from from both worlds. itis inert you have full control over it. and if somthing goes worng, flush the hell out of it! they nomaly come back to live fast.


Holy shit it’s that much! I got a few samples before, good stuff but 130/L my god!

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Yeah I’m pretty sure the last time I bought it, I got it on sale. Same with the power si. Was spendy at $130 a liter but was on sale for 30% off the other day ago.

The power si will last me another 2 years though.

I’ve never used the power si besides a little sample, great stuff but too speedy for me

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30% off I could not resist either! I’m a sucker for a good sale

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there is some stuff out there that is very pricey! but alot of that stuff is worth it !!! and some not like with all otherstuff too!


What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger! :muscle:

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That’s right. And generally speaking I learn some new limits and boundaries along the way.

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Ya’ll be dissin’, that airplane shit fo’ real :muscle:

I read you guys stuff about electrical…I’d rather wires than those smelly ass drains or what was in 'em. You can have that plumbing stuff if I have my way.

Man you could not pay me to go under that thing after seeing that snake skin. Especially you have water close by.

(insert note to self post 544)


What is it y’all say @blowdout2269 ? Smells like money! :joy:


:100: :+1:


Eff that, lol. I don’t care for live sewer no matter what! It just so happens that we’re about to start a major live line replacement too. :grimacing: