Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

No hydro guard. But it seems like it’s something I should add into the mix.

@m0sirys root zones are at 5.8 too.

Draining res now. Gonna put some 70° water in there and see if these ladies perk up any.


I always ran mine at 65-68 or lower, but had a chiller, I started to notice issues when hitting 72-74 range. Idk for sure, this is a weird one.


I don’t know how you guys do these res grows. I would fuck that up constantly. When I found coco I found my lane.


Had a similar issue twice, first time I grew in my RDWC setup one day I looked and the last two buckets were recirculating but barely and held low levels of water…. After trying everything else I just topped up until finish but was pissed, when done and cleaning the root mass had combined from the two and clogged up where the screens were almost tight and it got skunky in there too, pain in the ass, happened again a few grows later but I caught it quickly, then I utilized root pruning from then on out


I might invest in a chiller for next summer. This whole grow has just been one thing after another. I’m glad everything is showing its true colors and breaking down on me when I only have 4 plants in flower. All this means is come October when the temps are just right, I should be full steam ahead with all clean and all functioning everything. Next run I’m growing with bleach!


The res grows I’ve usually found to be the easiest. Outside of all of my mishaps on this most current grow, when I can control the temps and get my first res stabilized, I can for real just kind of ignore the plants for 4 or 5 days at a time and just let them do their thing. Kinda just pop my head in and make sure they are still there. I find this super beneficial for me and my unpredictable work schedule. Every now and then you’ll deal with a rogue problem, but don’t let how things are going for me right now dissuade you from trying this maybe during your winter season.


Bleach run! Awesome


Okay. Alright. Okay. Check this out. I just didn’t add power si or fish shit this round. The maxi bloom and gypsum balanced my tap water out to 5.83 without any pH down. That’s friggin wild. I’m gonna check this again in a few mins and make sure this wasn’t just some kind of fluke.


Im very lucky that my tap water + fertilizer = perfect. But I think my peat has something to do with it too.


I will ask in here also but has anybody ever ran the Las Vegas triangle kush?

I had a problem with some plants staying yellow I was trying to keep as moms. I tried everything and had no luck until I tried Regalia.

Regalia, a staple in IPM programs, is used preventatively for powdery mildew, blight, Anthracnose and other bacterial diseases . Regalia Biofungicide delivers better yield and improved harvest quality. It’s ISR and SAR modes of action increase crop performance by stimulating a plant’s innate ability to fight diseases.


I’m supposing it’s the gypsum that brought down the pH of everything. This is straight up wacky to me. I’m gonna go grab a bag of ice from one of our 1000 7-11s. Res is still at 76.5 outta the tap.

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This stuff is killer! Unfortunately, it’s approved for use here but not available?¿ go figure :canada:


WTF. Doesn’t ship to VA either. No biggy. I’ll have them drop it off at my uncle’s spot across the border in NC. Eat shit tyrants.


Some days I swear DWC was easier. Especially when hand watering or mixing nutes.

Hey @Indicana_Jones - if you’re using Hydroguard, I don’t think a chiller is necessary. It’s basically a good bacteria that kills off the bad when the reservoir exceeds them lower temps.
Maybe our man @Smoklahoma can chime in on this and tell me I’m wrong, lol.

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Is the room the reservoirs are in at °83

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Not anymore. The room hasn’t gotten above 76 today. I do think it’s weird that the res isn’t cooling down with the rest of the house which is set to 71 especially over night with no lights going to warm things up. I’m not fuckin thermo scientist either. Maybe it’s just too big of a pot of water to cool down. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Your pumps could be warming the water.

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Is a big pot. I use frozen gallons of water. Rotate couple times a day will drop it a few degrees. Heat has been a constant battle in the DWC. Especially when I run the room at °92.:rofl: I would definitely add some bennies to that res. I can’t buy hydroguard here so I went with Orca.

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Can you get Southern AG Garden Friendly Fertilizer? Someone recently told me about that product. Its basically the same thing, but a hell of alot cheaper.