Indoor grow box ideas thoughts, comments welcomed

Thanks danny working on how best to implement the options you have presented to go best with the readily available resources at hand . Will have info/pics on choices thanks for assisting in this process of growth for me . Everything is GREAT and the energy is “OVERGROW” . LOVING THE COMMUNITY ENERGY☺
Thanks inadvance for my selection(s).:call_me_hand:


Thanks appreciate the compliment .

Thanks bro. Feeling the love

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subbed want to see you grow
how is the fire og and the lavender :flushed:

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The lavenfer is coming along beautifully​:call_me_hand:. Seeing how it went through alot with the spidermites and the P.W.:sob:.Fixed with organic pest. Control all in one .you can see what it was before i show you the finish . In the pic that says “Light loss in lite” it looks like two finger in the left of pic. And the Topanga Fire 3 in buckets they are finish pics coming asap.

Currently using grow box as make-shift dry box😏
I did come to a decision and that is velcro door w/side flaps.those pics coming soon. And a BIG SHOUT OUT to the folks on here from O.G. for the seeds the you gave to me as a gift. Will get there names and the strain names to go under the pics of these BEAUTIES :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Topanga Fire by thunderseed are the girls you see above in veg. Great big shout out to Goodgrace87 for the donate on getting me growing again with a positive start and to Thunderseed for strong genetics that do live up to its name .:call_me_hand:

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Looking good man, what do you got in veg and what do you currently have in flowering. ZWHat are you using for food . I hope it is OMRI friendly lol

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Dr Earth organic

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