Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Good Morning! Day 1 of Veg for these Late Bloomers. Not really late bloomers, they were just invited Late to the Program

@OriginalDankmaster96, his Crippy & Pressure Skunk, Day 8 above-ground, below
fyi, these are the first crops prepared with rice hull husks as 33% of the substrate. Feedings now are 100ml, twice a day. Substrate gets dry quik. In the meantime, I’m nursing them lol EAT!

2nd node in Progress @Tlander

What pH paper looks like after trying it in Humate K. Its Not a valid application

*** It’s soluble in water, so the Cleaning of Any mess is easy. (sorry, that was a little jumbled there for a bit. oops)

The worm castings tea had it added and it Did Not impact the reading and interpretation of the pH paper’s colour !

  • 1.5oz <-> 5-gal pail and the pH test was flawless @6.4 ! I did not check E.C.

The Final product (humate k) is not completely developed yet; 3-4 days of agitation & settling are needed to finalize the contents. But this “tail-end sample” is an OK application as per the proF

FYI, here is the best description Yet of what we’ve (@Pigeonman, @MonasticDank and myself) gotten into and created, as per @defharo in Europe!

Many Thanks and I’ve only gotten Dirty so far, but I Love it (@THCeed gets his next week for more outside testing)

Cheers Gang


Kind of AmAzEd. I’ve just discovered that I’ve been on THIS “OG” site, 607 days… in a Row!

Something is Right !

Somethings Working!

Thanks to You OG Members for all the Good Stuff Happening !!!

Lets OverGrow all expectations.
Have a great Wednesday Gang !


Reading about Humate-K @MissinBissin . My reading says it helps with water retention. I add lots of Perlite to help my drainage. Seems it might not be one for me?


Thanks for the input @crownpoodle, definitely a characteristic I’ve not considered.

On a very similar topic, I’ve slowly replaced perlite with natural Sand and Rice Hull Husks as of late.

Additional natural ingredients that lead to unimpeded drainage and one that actually adds Silica as it breaks down.

This is all an experiment @crownpoodle so you can bet your Booty that we’ll be monitoring these in-ground and bin-grows Moisture levels

Also *** There are a couple of strains where we have 2 plants; Durban Poison & Chem Fuego. One will be exposed, in Soil, to Humate K waterings.
And the Bin-grows, are up in Chicken-Shit village and will Not be exposed. (Maybe lol)

Unfortunate that the Main food sources are different ie: chicken shit vs soil amendments, but we will have 2 different strains with 2 different outcomes each

The composted chicken-shit pellets is also an experiment that’s proving to be exceptional… hard to argue with First-hand viewings of a raised bed Produce & Cannabis garden exploding


My recycling bucket is going to have a BUnCH of Green Planet bottles next week


Awesome! Excited to see the seedlings and the new amendments. I may get some of those rice hulls for next season :sunglasses:


Like they have found some traction today @FieldEffect

Day 9 above ground, biggest drink this morning and they’ll be dry for a 24.


Day 10 above ground, and Here we Go

Talk about traction

@OriginalDankmaster96 Hoping to put Them directly in Soil during week 3, as is. Sex on the Fly in-situ. Thats the plan, plant 3, one in a pot and we’ll see.


Dragon Blood Hash Plant, raising the bar for the others

Another big windy day out there.
Apollo Ape just blew into a taller pose, below

Durban Poison #1 bucking while standing still

Acapulco Gold is dancing

All plants had their Soil amended, nothing crazy, stuck to formula. Then I cleaned up the insides of each plant on og row. Sappers n Sugars; gone, great airflow, Kept all the Fans,
I don’t think they’ve ever been more clinical. Created as much Mulch as was possible

Pine Tar Kush looking like a sharp dresser, below

I am enjoying being able to see through each of the plants in spots… some were more congested than others. All the same now.


That Acapulco Gold looking pretty fancy with those jagged dagger leaves :sunglasses:


She’s a funny animal this A.G., and 1 am so excited about

fyi Clouds rolled-in, no Barn shots tonight.

Here is a panorama from today (27th) as I stumbled along the crest. At high noon

*some things may appear closer than they are” lol, a couple of plants are digitally, schmooshed up to against each other… but thats OG ROW

Raised Bed has already proven to be a huge improvement. Our soil mix had just enough of the right things. Loving the same green on all the plants. Thats something i’m finding unique.


Great looking plants…looking forward to their progression.



very nice. i wish i had some land like that.


100% me too @anonymous4289.

Its a great spot they have, here on the edge

Friends made a great purchase. They’re talking a move in 3-4 years.

Time to OverGrow ! And Yeah gang, I’m taking a tape measure out next time…

Russian Tzar Bomba below, and this Zamaldelica are going Nuts

Potted Durban Poison is joining the mosh-pit Melee too (last year we used a sliding piece of bamboo for LST on each side of Frankenstein, and it worked great. Vertical posts were at each corner. As the side and lower branches reached upwards. They were simply pulled outwards, and the horizontal bamboo was slide up / down until the branch gently pinned it to the vertical posts, & held it in place. (4 mains were super-cropped, that helps with the fluffy look)

3 big branches are supported by the Bamboo in this Circled area

We are doing the same with this effort below

All 3 have only been fed once, with Chicken Shit pellets… impressive start for all things its contacted lol


Heres just a few of what’s running outdoor this season, all natural in the bush to avoid prying eyes, most are around 7’ tall currently



Poulet guano sounds much better frech|nullxnull, love that raised bed :heart_eyes:, your friend has a real good friend … beer3|nullxnull


How about Pullum Cacas
…Sounds much better in Latin doesn’t it? :wink: :pinching_hand:

…but it’s still chicken shit… :grin:




You have to Love It when Friends check-in, and they’ve been running your Gear…

Buddy sent me this picture last nite @SativaKid, 5 or 6 Red-Headed Hippie plants were grown and a few went straight to making Hash and the rest are curing… I get to see this today !!

Thai x Red Rona aka (red gsc)

And the real McKoy, Red-Headed Hippie, just now…


Day 5, week 1
Foliar Feed is on todays agenda for these ones. Yesterday saw a single 150ml, worm tea Lunch. We’ll See how that fits & where they are today


Thats the best spelling of CaCas I’ve seen