Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Poultry guano? I haven’t heard of the one you mention. What is it? I’ve used bat, seabird, chicken, steer, worms, mealworm frass


Pretty sure “poulet guano” is MBs suave and sophisticated way of saying chicken shit! :rofl:


Its just Chicken Shit @Ottafish, I was having some fun with the words. Good Clean Fun

I am believing it doesn’t get any easier
I’m also seeing it for the first time.

OG Row, I am feeding with Soil Amendments, and everything up top on their property, has been dosed once with Chicken Poop; veggies trees flower beds and Ganja; Boom


Would it be this stuff?

(great soil additive)



I am not able to name the Chicken Poop brand… I can say, It was pellets! He spent 98 dollars to Top-Dress the entire Yard ie: raised-bed Gardens, fruit trees n Herbs, and our Herbs.

But @Gpaw I will get you an answer.

I have seen THAT BRAND, at every horticultural store I’ve been to this season.


@Tlander we are 5/5 with the Black/Dark Creme autos


So yeah I’ve used chicken poo. All I know is it’s usually hot so I usually put it on before I planted to settle out. Thats from the store. Or I believe it need to be composted for a bit. Or I guess you have to figure out the dosage if it’s hot?


I’m going to get the name he used. He was quoted, “you can never use Too Much”

And he followed directions: basically he broadcast the Pellets with a Solo Cup, laid-out a good coating on everything;
You could see soil easily enough and it looks like he did cover the surface…around the plants. The first Hawaiian picture taken when it was planted… he had just recently dressed it. June 11th


Yeah it must be fully composted. I live using manures of all sorts. They definitely work great. I found a guy near me that sells nice composted cow mature that’s just loaded with red wigglers and dark brown/black. I spread 8 yards by hand a few years ago in the back yard a month or two before everything sprouted up from winter. It was a great deal @ 20 bucks a yard. Luckily I have a buddy with a dump trailer so I was able to use that to pick it up and dump it in the front yard.


you are most welcome brother. thank you from my heart for the 5 magical heirlooms.

the karntaka 1,2,3,4 are the one with the magical terps n potencies. #2 was specially marked a coco as 5 star.

the kashmir was especially for you :slight_smile: Im not sure whether it is from lolab or bungus valley, im sure the legendary @Upstate can say!

thank you for being an inspiration in terms of kindness, genuiness n passion <3


I’ve got some Hot-rod seeds for you @vinu58ster next trip: ie short flowering Sativas baby

@OriginalDankmaster96 I can also confirm that plan B is in place for Crippy B4

Hawaiian Snow x Tent, below

Hell Yes Blue God was pulled-out from the raised-bed for more air-flow. Like she needs it

@SativaKid the Red Rona is loving the heat (aka red gsc)


That plant looks similar to the HW but with more branching. It definitely looks to still lean Sativa. I can’t wait to see how she turns out. Your garden is looking great! Your going’s to have some big plants!


Thanks for that @Ottafish.
She really has taken-hold this past week. A bit of trimming happens tonight, and most importantly, I’m finishing the Sulphur Spray for WPM prevention.

Most plants are done :white_check_mark: (yahoo)


D.B.H.P. # 2 topping

A little rain and Voila

** no Red Sap found
Morning shot, after some dark and a light rain. Alls good

replant today; 22nd. Poor-thing got Used for demo n display. Hands-Off now


ACAPULCO GOLD from NukeHeads stopped me cold today, with these massive Fan leaves.

3rd from the left

Russian Tzar Bomba photo-period

Durban Poison 2

Seedsman’s BlueBerry

Chem Fuego 2

Blue God is growing so Aggressively that it was decided to apply some Training. Several branch massages and then she was re-caged lol

Here the next Morning, zero issue. Biggest Blue God I have seen in my 4th grow. And its only June 23

DankMasters CRIPPY, Ready on the LaunchPad


You might get to 13 fingers on that Acapulco. 11 now. Beautiful!


Which Durban?


From MisterBee Sir !

I was not sure how Long some of the flowering times were in your mix…

We ran it last year on the edge of the Bean field, it got flooded out with the others BUT It went through a Rodelization… and put seeds in the buds

So we just “had to” run these Stress-induced Durban Poison FEM ‘s @Upstate


Too long for Where You Are. I’m glad they are something different. @misterbee has Oodles of great stuff. The quiet ones always do. Can’t wait to see offspring of what he pulled out of his old stash box for you😁


Me Too, and thx for the support @Upstate
We have two “Survivors” growing this Season
Did I say BONUS