Indoor / Outdoor 2024

The Humate K-dance @defharo

Its too funny, I made the video 3 days ago and it took that long to Shorten-it…



Oh it’s good to see you have a healthy normal B4, that makes me feel more relieved they can be found, not all are going to become weird :+1::pray::facepunch::ok_hand::smiley:


I have 3 CRIPPY B4 keepers and the Odd one @OriginalDankmaster96.

Just to confirm, the B4 is a
FEM, I thought it WAS a Regular ! I was wrong

Hoping thats Correct? Goal is to plant 3 healthy in one location.

Sex on the Fly was the map I’m working from


Indeed a fem plant, that may be why we are seeing these anomalies. I’ve read consistently fem plants aren’t as stable as regular. Maybe a fraction won’t be good “stock” but the rest will be :thinking:


Hey that is great News as well @OriginalDankmaster96.

FEMS opens a couple different doors, not as cut n dry as Regs

I’ll see if the B4’s can be shared, not Shorn… I’m liking your Fem update!!!

I had them as Regs !!


Actually that was the ONLY way to cross in the Island Crippy with the BX2 by reversal. Because those were all females too. It’s interesting you note fems are not as ‘cut n dry’ too. The A2, Pressure Skunk and DM
Crippy are my first fems, so I’m learning as I go from researching/reading before making/growing :grin:


Congrats on All the little steps…
These seeds are Working.


Having a real rough-day pain-wise. And being sick to my Stomach all nite did not help.

So all this thinking has only led to something concrete; Next Year: 2025

Lots of Bangers are available THANKS to all my Bros n Hoes (excuse that lol, it just fit too nicely) but these are the ones that have been waiting in the corner of my mind . Of course there are Landrace stocks to be considered, red snake etc for indoors, but the List has begun

Yes it’s a Start, and it definitely will be shuffled. After all its only Chalk !! And there’s still room

@amumayuk @DougDawson @CanuckistanPete @HolyAngel @THCeed @Landrace_seeds @m0sirys @FieldEffect


Oooh that looks nice!

Did you ever cob up the SSDD? Wonder if that would make a difference on the pain-relief and whatnot :thinking:


Thats a good idea @HolyAngel and something I Did Not ever take to Task… overwhelmed is what I was during that point of the harvest. Did I say that… ? And never considered it

I’ve still got uber-GRAMS in the freezer, at 60% humidity. Product was pulled direct from the Line on day 20 of hanging, right to the Freezer.

Normally with Cobb-weed, I’ve pulled it from the line on ~ day 7.

the Sous-Vid is out already… lets say I’ll get one/some ready and put it in the freezer for New Years Eve.

I’ll germinate a half dozen SSDD next spring, I know what to smell for now.

I’ll be Ready for a 15:30 Squeeze session


Nice looking list :grin:

Bummer the pain is bad today. Therapeutic garden planning

Mountain Gold and the Green Mountain Grape are going to be interesting to watch. What’s the Russian sativa?


Thats a great question @FieldEffect, I sort of Asked the same question of @Landrace_seeds !

I’ve had a Big Russian Altai Sativa seed (Kalashnikov Seed) in my collection for 4 years now… it should have been grown 3 times now…

I introduced myself and asked Landrace_ if he knew anything about the strain.

He knows lots, and has been holding a small amount of Regular Altai Sativa seeds, right from the Mountains near to him…

That was the info that started a conversation that led to he and I Agreeing on doing a Seed Run. I will dedicate a Tent to the Project and let the seeds run Wild in their own World.

If the #’s of Females/Males work out well, then 1 can be kept for Buds alone… maybe…

That is what is behind this pending seed-run of the Altai Mountain Sativas… THANKS for asking !

I’m sure you’ll hear from us soon. Seeds are en-route to me. Looking at a Sept. lift-off (they’re in Canada now !!!, I’ve not seen them Yet)

~ 12 week Flowering cycle as described

I’ve not asked permission yet from OG, to have an official seed-run, but I’m working towards it.

@FieldEffect Green Mountain Grape, is a truly Fast flowering Gem. And the smoke :dash: just keeps you reaching for it

I believe it was Harvested, Cured and Smoked before all the others were ready !!! Lol I’m not joking

Here is Buddy on green mountain grape Chop day; 5 years ago now.
Outside-grow, 15-gal Pot; main-Cola (a 58 or 60-day flower). Real Fast, Really Ripe, beginning of Oct, trees had not turned yet. Started flowering early & Hard. Amber trichomes were onsite & that Made it an easy call.


Nice list :ok_hand:
Green Mountain Grape is one that has my interest too. A good outdoor strain I believe.


Lots of fire on that board.


Ah, “Altai” Sativa. I couldn’t even read it

And @Landrace_seeds I love his thread! I lost track of it a month ago.

Got it! What a project!


That’s what I need in my grow room…so I don’t forget what I want to grow and then when its time to germinate seeds I’m like “WTF am I growing this time…wtf am I growing?


Thanks for that @DougDawson.
I’m stuck here rubbing my Hands together already… Thanks, I’m in complete agreement with you !

Of course there are going to be changes, but I’m liking the idea of seeing the board in my day to day movement. I Keep poking it @CanuckistanPete


nice line up big project i wish you well and hope that heady og gets you a keeper


Me too @amumayuk. It awesome looking that far down the road and actually planning “ Next “

Today I watered the plants in OG Row and had a good look around. Only saw things that would lead to celebrations…

Humate-K applied to everything lol, chicken shit or Not: Pot Plant :white_check_mark:

Red Rona ( aka Red G.S.C. ) is a great example

Blue God below x 2, looking frickin Perfect, even in a Wind…

This coming Tuesday/Wednesday I think CRIPPY B4 gets planted right Here

The topped Dragon Blood Hash Plant

Hawaiian Snow (x Tent pollen) has taken a stand is filling out nicely, below x 2

North and 10 gallons of love

They’re really hard to see from a kilometre away

Simple test before I Left the house, pH paper is a no-brainer. Black Humate-K did not impact pH paper reading at all @defharo

And from OG Row, if I have to pick a smooth operator, its Apollo Ape, X2 below


Hello @George,

I’m hoping to steal a few Minutes of your time, again.

Denial, will not Help me remove these spots on 1 of 10 young plants I have on the go.

There are a couple plants with minor mark, but I’d like to ask you about this one George!
What do you think is causing this, nearing the end of 2nd week in Veg.

Thanks in Advance Sir