Indoor / Outdoor 2024

im about to post an update on my grow but i decided id swing by say good morning first the moskitos were voracious this morning but the girls are in tip top shape heres a top view of the two fighting bilbos @MissinBissin they definitevly love my soil and environment


Hi man, when I see this:

The leaf tips, edges and new growth will or may turn
a yellow/brown color that happen in spots and often surrounded by a sharp brown outlined edge

I think in Calcium, Potassium has also those brown blotches but not outlined and borders are normally scorched.

To fix a calcium deficiency you can treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomite lime or Garden lime per quart of water, Or Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Calcium in them will fix a Calcium deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)
Or you can take crushed-up dolomite lime or garden lime in a gallon of water and water it in the soil. 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of water, which will be slow acting.
Garden Gypsum, which is medium absorption. Limestone, which is medium absorption

Have a great Sunday … beer3|nullxnull


Happy Happy Days to see plants looking like that… !!
Great work Amu !!


I agree with the diagnosis of calcium deficiency.


Thank You Gentlemen; I’m mixing the dolomitic Lime right after this Coffee.
@George, @DeFharo… Thanks a whole bunch Gentlemen.

When they were up-potted last week, they got a 50%’dose of All-Purpose Veg Fert. I’ll make that a bigger# next time…

Have a great day Guys


Check your fertilizer ingredients for Cal. You may have solved the issue already.


Thanks for that comment @Hashpants I had thought the same-thing when I DID add the “all purp Veg-Fert”… @50-60%

No-change in 6 days, made it an Easy-call to bump-it as recommended.
1 teaspoon dolomitic → 1 quart (940ml)
*thanks @George

Small Change = LITFA, see you in 4-5 days


Cobbing 2024 @HolyAngel; finds Our SSDD resting nicely, and pretty damn Casually, for the next week.

This where I’ve taken it too far previously, in this 2nd stage of Cobbing.

It was Wrapped entirely in the Towel, AND HEATER, in some early grows, and this was a mistake OG’rs…

This step asks for 77f-86f, so I’m already a bit “Large” but nite-time will fix this in my Porch…

Here she sits for 6-More days. If 90-91 persist, another towel goes between the Prize and the Heat

The discolouration on the Plastic is rust from the Weight (should have vac-sealed IT)


Nice @MissinBissin ! I don’t often see ph strips like that. Got the same in my box, but it’s old and should be replaced. Plants look good👍
Kind of catching up. Hope you got your pain managed some. My neuropathy was bad last night. Finally smoked some dry sift in a few bongs and got some rest.


Good Afternoon @crownpoodle Thanks for the good Wishes. I’m trying to catch that Pain as we speak!!! Lol

Sourcing out this specific pH range; 6 - 8 on the pH papers, makes it incredibly Fast and Accurate. No expensive bulbs to keep wet etc etc. tear a small piece off, Dip n Read, carry-on


Smoking some @JAWS Cherry Hi-C with a bunch of dry sift in it.


Puff Puff Pass !

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You make great cobs @MissinBissin ! I rarely smoke flower but I love the way the cobs taste! Like a fine cigar. You’ve sold me on cobbing this harvest of Maze.
I think I have everything I need to do it, beware of incoming, question laden PM.


Bring it on Homie ! Many Thanks in advance. It gets better each time

As long as we are playing with weed @Budderton, you know it, there is endless shit to do with it.


That’s a nice little ball of fudge.


You are Damn right it is @THCeed
I Didn’t think Genuine could be “Brand New”

Thanks again! It was a Pleasure, doing Pleasure with You


Sure was, Brother.


Happy to say a legit 2L batch of Humate K is a reality!! 15-minute pin-timer on the Hand Mixer. A stone has the trigger Squeezed, on a manual setting thats just Fast enough. Its on Auto !

Leave it to Value Village and a $3.99 glass spaghetti vaze w/lid lol
I chop buds n hash now on the lid !


Nice rig with the new vase!

What kinda hash are those beautiful cubes on the lid?

Fun to see other folks joining on the Cobb train. Pretty simple process once you do it once. Wish I could compare my Panalawi Cobbs with ya :sunglasses:

How’s the pain doing?


Predictable is a good start lol
Big picture, I am doing things, which is truly positive. Bracing my neck continually To prevent the jolts, leaves my muscles pretty darn tense.

Cutting lawn, Driving Car, etc all push it that much more.
Back surgeon has me filling a cancellation, later this month; 3 months early.

After 21 months, I Accept !

I cannot answer the Hash question. Wish I could. Those are older pieces I’ve brought out to play with.