Indoor Sativas

Hi all,

Figured I’d start a bit of a diary of what I’m doing indoors atm for those who may be interested. I don’t know just yet if the more landrace sativas will be going outdoors to winter flower, but ill run something in my tent when everything is vegged out.

Just popped some gear, got some seedlings up and got some more beans soaking.

So far I have up:
2x klong hat sour mango
2x muang sing purple lao
2x gorokan png
2x dreadbread x mullumbimby madness
1x choc mint og fem
1x cherry bomb or shishkaberry fem
4x dreadbread

Feel free to ask any questions :slight_smile:

Ill be putting some pics up soon


Sounds interesting, I’ll tag along to see how it goes. :sunglasses: :+1:



Will be watching this, some interesting strains!


Hello, I have some sativas in guerrillas, saw them follow to learn … Success for you …


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Alright so ive got an update.
Some plants are going good, some didnt pop, some have died. I had 3 dreadbreads, 2 db x mm and the cb or shishka fem die. I had to pull everything down and they didnt cope well w the shock as they were seedlings and yeah.

Ive planted some more stuff. Heres the running tally…
Alive and well:
4x Space Nectar
1x Nigerian
1x Dreadbread
1x boel oaxacan
1x choc mint OG
2x muang sing purple laos
2x purple unicorn x balochistan
2x klong hat sour mango
1x gorokan PNG

I have planted:
A bunch of sebrings revenge in 1 pot to choose the healthiest
1x dark spark
3x waterstone auto fem
2x black triangle f2
1x shishkaberry fem

Some of the bigger girls are looking kinda light green so theyll be getting a tiny bit of veg nute. The soil is water only mixed with normal soil and some worm castings, very alive. Been used a bit so it needs some extra help. I dont feed heavy at all with it though. Next watering after this one theyll be getting some microbes and some essentials (a bottled product that contains lots of trace elements and other fun stuff to keep em very healthy).

This was before they were staked. A few days ago.

Todays pics:


Interesting stuff! I’m curious to see how your Nigerian and Oaxacan come out.


Yeah for shure. The nige is afropips line so its supposed to be uplifting with lemon and tea terps.
The Oaxaxan is such a special line. I have about 30 beans left but have had hit and miss germ on them due to hot temps in storage. I know they’re alive but some of them are not popping right and stuff. When i get the time I will get one of those seed media kits to germ/TC them sterile.


That’s a good idea. Do you have a link to the kits? I might actually like to try those on some seeds I have.

I have the Nigerian from Derg Corra, which I think might originally be a reproduction of afropips. I haven’t tried it yet. I’ve not seen many people growing Nigerian strains.


Hey mate did you have the chance to try derg corra s Nigerian? I run Nigerian from exotic alchemy which he told me he thinks originated from old derg corra stock, some pretty impressive herb, hashplants with anise, camphor smell, some chances of being a hybrid but can’t be sure