Inducing Polyploidy to create sterile cannabis

Off to a good start.
Maybe too good; I read some are supposed to die?
Will find out in two weeks for sure.

Forgot to add i used a pinch of aloe gel juice in shot glass lower the ph bit below 7 and drops h202 2nd day in glass for o2.
Just started using aloe for seedlings they seem to like it rockwool or peat.


Chair is pulled up, tracking is on, beer is cold… but almost empty :slightly_frowning_face:


And how exactly does one test for polyploids?


I’m excited to see your results. :+1::seedling:


Got my interest learn somthing new everyday

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wow right on. ill be watching

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Thank you for sharing! This will be a really interesting!

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Don’t think you can tell polyploidy by looks in cannabis. It has to do with the chromosomes. BTW weed impede’s active ingredient is glyphosate.

Colchicine from a type of flower was used in the past to make cannabis polyploid. Not sure if there’s any benefit though. The pics posted all over the internet are fasciated plants not polyploids. I’m guessing the oryzalin ( possible carcinogen) is what you’re attempting?


This is an interesting experiment! It’s likely the way that outdoor crops would need to go in some states as hemp and “ditch weed” can seed plants from miles away. Big AG will figure it out to keep people from reproducing their lines or so they can put a patent on their seeds/cultivars (clones).


Watching :eyes: this thread as it progresses.

Besides genetic testing? Throw some pollen on the flowers and see if they develop seeds. But there’s a high chance there will just be lots of “aborted” seeds, like in “seedless” watermelons. Or hope the come out like seedless grapes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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What is the goal with a sterile cut? Guerrilla growing?

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Almost 48hr. The one that i had to crack open also germed.

Compared to my previous germ test these are rooting much slower.
I threw some in ro to compare and maybe keep one.


with a sterile female you could plant her anywhere and be sure to get seedless at the end was my thought. but why are you trying to get a sterile plant?


I don’t know why did Tesla have have a car powered by electro magnetic waves; it’s fun.

I don’t have an issue with non sterile fems but im curious if i can get a 2.0 version of a strain especially an ibl.
Anecdotal stories also say triploids (odd chromosomes) just grow better.
I think polys that fasiate (forgot spelling) also add extra fiber so for smoking they dont look ideal at all.

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The untreated seeds germed almost 2 times as fast.

Impede indeed


Oregon CBD has commercial hemp triploids that are mostly sterile:

This is the paper they published about it:

Also this one is interesting and not from Oregon cbd:


Two out if many seem to be making it and being huge teases

Surely slows them down


A swollen hypocotyl :blush:
:face_with_monocle: :nerd_face:



Next year


Well they all were growing slow n noticed they are soft so chucked them.
I don’t know what i was thinking the first set will never be doubled so maybe i should dip the roots after seedling is healthy?

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