Into the Grease pit with Coastal Mary autoflowers!

I think im going to start regularly aiming for 7 ph or a smidge higher


Day 43. Devil and blueberry are busy making buds, not alot of stretch on these plants, they’re maybe 1 foot tall. But I did keep my light close so I probably limited the stretch. Wedding cake os still hurting from the over fert situation, she’s alive, but leaves are getting sparse and she’s not drying out the soil, so I don’t know if it will survive.

Blue berry


Wedding cake


I also just straight watered the healthy 2 to check runoff ph and im still sitting around 5. So I gave em a drink of closer to 8.5. I shouldn’t have changed soil and nutrients in the same grow I guess


My plants are looking worse by the day, devilxxl is the only one still looking reasonably healthy. I dunno what to do. If they don’t recover soon I may get tired of looking at them and put them out of their misery.

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Whenever I flush I use water at pH 7.

This is convenient because it’s what comes out of my tap.

If the pH of my medium is too low I don’t try to compensate by going higher. I figure 7 is close enough.

I’d give them a heavy flush at 7, like a big one, deal with the repercussions of overwatering, and then hopefully back to smooth sailing again.

Also I’ve had really ugly plants finish even when I thought they wouldn’t.

All the best.

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They’ve each had atlesst 30 liters through them. Lol my tap water is 7.0 and I finished with a jug in the 8s. Wedding cake hasn’t dried out since. I watered the other 2 to runoff a couple days ago and gave them a full jug of 8.5ph to try and bring the ph up.


If you have a plant that isn’t drying, set the pot on an old towel over night. That should wick the water out of the soil. :+1::seedling:


+1 to this, you’d be surprised how fast this actually works and how well your plants will respond once they get out of the swamp.

Good news is, you had a pretty good start and are pretty much at the point now where the damage isnt going to hurt your yield by much as you already have all your bud sites formed and they are the last to burn up.

Just keep working to lower your ppm to a reasonable level, while bearing in mind with soil and peat based media the runoff isnt as accurate as say, a coco or rw reading.


This isnt a good practice, in my opinion, and its better to use properly pH adjusted water instead of trying to balance it with a something extreme like 8.5.


Thanks for the info guys. I’m going to try the towel tonight when I get home. @TrevorLahey you’re probably right, it was a desperation move on my part lol


Blueberry and devil have both been able to take some water (water only) but wedding cake still wants nothing i have to offer

This whole grow is still making me regret changing nutes and soil and not one or the other lol


I think this will be my last update until harvest. Things are only getting uglier (still smells great). Wedding cake STILL doesn’t want water lol it feels bottom heavy compared to the other 2 when they dry out. Ive only been giving water lately. My over feeding/ low ph screw up definetly cost me… all leaves on all plants gave taken a hit and they are not even close to being done even at 8 weeks.

Lol I’m sorry @CoastalMarySeeds I didn’t do these the justice they deserve! Even damaged as they are the smell everytime i open the tent overpowers me! I will try again with what I’ve got left!


All good! You’re getting the problems out of the way early. nothing but smooth sailing from here :slight_smile:


Alright I know I said no updates till harvest… but I think that is coming soon…even with the beating they took the buds are dense, sticky and smell crazy.

I snipped a tester bud off… cause it smells good lol

Blueberry auto day 65




Devil xxl day 65… I don’t know if the leaf color on devil and blueberry is damage induced or part of their genes… wedding cake hasn’t colored like that but she doesn’t exactly have enough leaves left to tell lol




The buds actually look killer despite the state of the leaves… they’ll be easy to trim lol.

I never had luck with any ‘prefed’ type soils. They’ll have enough nutes for a while, but then as they run out you don’t know what’s still left in there. Then you start feeding and end up with too much of something (say N), and not enough of another.


Yea what buds they produced look like they’ll be good smoke! I’ll have to grow them again properly lol


Let me know when you’re ready to do that!

Appreciate you doing this grow and posting the pics :slight_smile: Was really cool following along!

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Will do! Next time less nutrients lol

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