Investing in marijuana stocks

I have a few friends who have but I’d never support a single LP. Kind of annoying how recently people who never had anything to do with weed before are seeing dollar signs and jumping on the bandwagon. I think the main reason people invest is because they assume it’s going to be easy money.


I have a 2 now…had 3 in my portfolio…lol. some otc, some not…
I just got into stocks about 2.5 years ago.

Had stocks in -------- (couldn’t remember and too lazy to check my direct investing account), I think it was called…bought in at .75 and sold at 1.xx…was a quick flip. Think I held for about a month. Made a few hundred bucks…I was/am super green at playing the markets. Got lucky there.

Another one was LVVV Livewire Ergogenics. Still going and recently bought back in. Bought in at .02 per share…it ran up to .08’ish in 2 days and sold it all. Made a few grand there. Bought in again when it fell to .05…grabbed a few thousand shares to sit on…never know.

The third and last one is near (literally) and dear to my heart! Delta 9 Cannabis NINE, DN.
4 stores in Manitoba and a grow facility right here in Winnipeg!!!
Biggest money suck of the all!!! However, this is a very, very long term hold. Bought in at 1.30 cad per share…not sure what it’s at today…stopped checking when I lost 50%. But IPO was at over twice that…lol…some peeps lost 75% before I lost a penny. I deliver there (D9) weekly…I talk to the engineers, production staff, etc. Hear nothing but good things. Employees are pissed because of stock options available, but stocks bombing.
I also deliver stuff to the company that manufactures their “stackable gro-pod technology”
(CL Malach) !!
I’ll give these shares to my two daughters when they graduate or something…or want to buy a house.


Not relevant…but fun…

Fabrication of gro-pods at CL Malach




I invested a small amount of money into Aurora and pulled it out a few months back making a nice chunk of change.

4 years ago I was going to invest in Canopy at 3$ a share and went and bought a house instead. Kick myself for not buying in when I could have and should have. Oh well such is life :v:


I got in early on tillray acb and a few others. Had a few guys at my work retire young because of how much they made. I never had enough liquid cash to invest enough to retire. I did pretty good though I think i made 700 percent or so. But dont have a single dime in mj stocks anymore.


Same I’ve been out for months now. Bubble has bursted.

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Fuckin’ ouch!!


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I did a little bit of day trading of MJ stocks prior to legalization coming into effect and then quite happily cashed it all in the week before it became lagal…

I think I did OK…


Stackable gro-pods…badass!! :sunglasses:

Just make sure you ground them properly lol

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Do your own DD…but FUNN…was AMFE…=$$$

Wow, I forgot about this thread.
The only “cannabis” stock I have purchased is
still SMG–Scotts Miracle Gro.
I am still of the opinion that this is a less risky play on the cannabis wave.
I think the company is well positioned.
It trades on the NYSE and pays a decent dividend; Current dividend yield is around
2.45%, and once the cratering of many “pure” cannabis stocks subsides, it should make a nice run up in price.

This cannabis focused REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) is listed on the NYSE and pays a nice dividend–IIPR–Innovative Industrial properties.
I have had my eye on IIPR for some time now, and I think it may be time to buy it

Innovative Industrial Properties
Innovative Industrial Properties’ market cap has nearly been cut in half since early July. The stock sank after the cannabis-focused real estate investment trust (REIT) announced a stock offering to raise cash. In addition, the overall weakness among cannabis stocks weighed on IIP.

A sell-off after a dilution-causing stock offering makes sense. However, IIP is arguably now in a better position than it’s ever been in to profit from growth in the U.S. cannabis market. The company has more cash to invest in properties. It also has more properties generating reliable cash flow than ever before – 32 and counting.

The legal cannabis markets in several of the states where IIP currently operates are only in their infancy. IIP also only owns properties in 12 states, but 33 states have legalized medical cannabis so far. The cannabis-focused REIT has plenty of opportunities for growth.

In the meantime, IIP continues to rake in profits – something most cannabis companies can only dream of doing. It also pays a dividend that currently yields north of 4%. Solid growth prospects, a strong financial position, and a fantastic dividend make Innovative Industrial Properties one of the most attractive cannabis stocks on the market, in my view.

I am still a little frightened of the downside on many “pure” cannabis companies.


Here is additional information regarding the above mentioned IIPR.
I pulled the trigger, and finally bought some shares of this REIT.
I was able to achieve an average cost basis of just under 69.

A bit of hyperbolic touting, but I generally agree with this analysis.

For anyone with potential interest.


Very interesting. My REITs have been solid over the last 7 years.

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Does Scott’s miracle grow have marijuana specific soils that go by another name? I know a lot of there stuff is time released and not ideal for ganja, that’s why I’m wondering. :v:

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SMG has 12 Brands/Companies.


Agrolux and general hydroponics stands out. I’m gonna have a good look at this thanks.

Does anyone have any experience with Canopy Growth stocks? I got a tip they are getting into edibles and drinks and should take off again. It’s pretty low now…

As long as Lowe’s and home Depot sell to the cul-de-sac crowd Scott’s will always be in business as a former herbicide/fertilizer tech they have a damn near stranglehold on the commercial application side John Deere is the only real National competition…that being said I don’t really like miracle grow it does work great it also requires longer flushing time unless you want to hear weed sizzle

Yes it’s called black gold

It would be pretty cool to see how they approach lighting systems I’m sure they will be outsourced to China but I still bet they have one of the safest lights on the market

Every canadian company is prepping to offer edibles… It’ll come down to who’s out of the gate first and who actually gets consistent stock in the stores.

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