Iron deficiency or new growth?

Helpppp haha

It could be nitrogen deficiency?

:cowboy_hat_face:just give it a good dose of Miracle Grow i never have that problem using it :mask:

I top dressed a little with earth worm castings

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You can add dandelion, nettles, thistle, chopped banana peels and other kitchenscraps to your soil also. Rich in all kinds of minerals.

If you don’t mind spending some money then hemp seed meal is a good addition, costs about the same as kelp, which is also great.

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I actually have seaweed extract I haven’t been using

Would that work as well?

Sure, if it’s pure and only contains seaweed then go for it!

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Ok sweet ! I already put some earth worms on top and mixed it around a little I don’t know if that is gonna nute burn them but I’ll brew a compost tea with some seaweed extract and more earth worms in tea ? Or should I just mix the seaweed in water and water

Too young to have deficiencies, just let it be and water lightly :v:t4:


You can do any of the above. Seems like your soil is maybe kinda poor so any organic matter that you add will be beneficial. What soil did you start with?
Could also be that the PH of your water is off.

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Mother Earth coco mixed with 2 tbsp per gallon of 6-4-5 happy frog dry amend and it also had 1/8 tsp 0-12-0 and I use 30 ml / 5 gal of photosynthesis plus

I ph to 6.5

Betttt only reason I added the earth worm is cause it came late in mail so only 2 seeds got it in soil the other 4 didn’t

The 2 that got it look great growing great

Ah, you’re using synthetic nutrients? Well, whatever organic matter you add is not gonna make much difference then. Just choose. Either go purely organic and get certified organic soil. Or use completely dead soil and synthetic nutrients. Mixing the two is just a waste of good soil.

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I’m using slow release dry amendments

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Ah, sorry, then everything should be fine, what soil are you going to use when you up pot?

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Mother earth