I would give only water at 6-5 to 6-0 pH range,my soil usually buffer automatically except you give tham too High or too low pH.I also would let some water runoff to help lowering the concentration of some nutes @Wigiberto
I have little experience with ocean forest but can appreciate the confusion, as it looks like low nitrogen, burned leaf edges, high pH, & over-watered all in one.
One thing that may be throwing off the visual analysis (a little bit) is the LED light. They look different under natural sunlight & that sometimes reassures me that it’s just the whiteness of the LED that makes them look underfed in N.
Ocean Forest is far from nutrient deficient! If they spent that 6 weeks in Happy Frog they would be a much different color, and at this size you bump em up to bigger pots and use Ocean Forest to add soil.
Planting directly in, or transplanting young plants, into OF tends to burn the crap outta them…
The only variable changed from previous runs was the Ocean Forest soil. Light is far enough, ph, etc.
They are not overwatered as I use a wet/dry cycle for watering. Plenty of air circulation etc.
I am just hoping they are able to tolerate this soil and even use the soil nutes for good once they get through the nute burn stress. I’LL keep watering with water ONLY for the next week or so .
Honestly, I think just water only for a couple weeks and they will adapt and get with the program. A lot of strong soils can burn seedlings. Just keep an eye out, but they’ll be fine.
I used that Ocean Forest for the first time this year, but I did mix it with Happy Frog and I had no issues. Maybe try that with whatever you have left next time.