Is 88g13×hashplant close to a original g13 or is the still original g13 around

If anybody’s got some Ghash or Deadly g …beans Pm me please… Ndn Gave me a strain called… ring of fire … Anyone ever heard of that 1 ? My whole bean collection was stolen last year… I had santero sloth In a couple other G13 hybrids … Hope you’re all well crew… Sd


88G-13 Hashplant in stock! DC seed exchange

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I’m a little skeptical without a lineage. Is that a repro, BX, or ???

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Well all the 88 g13hp are repros of ndnguys work to a point…
But I found more lemony phenos in hazemans, (in comparison to the orange pines leaning ones from Bare.)
Sensi’s g13hp is unlike either of them. I wouldn’t hesitate to grab them (hazemans) while they have them. It’s not always the case.


^^ THIS :frowning:
he 100% did ask for those never to be sold.

on the other hand, i can understand that people pay for it, since
it might be their only chance to enjoy it … it’s not their fault, tbh.


@Mr.greenbee I know Laserface on IG has G13 right now if your still lookin


Dude was told not to sell them and still does lol.



If Hazeman didn’t sell these there would be no way to get these for a normal person.
I’m glad he does because that’s the only way I was able to get them.


Going against the wishes of the man who originally preserved them is bad juju. :-1:

Only way to get them is not exactly right, they were previously sent as freebies, which aligns with ndn rule. Or do like me and wait 10 years until someone offers them :wink:

Story time: I asked a dozen well respected members on here, what they thought about rules put on cuts or lines and would they follow said rule/s.

All of them said, if there’s rules, I don’t want it or some form of this.

Well. I hoard those cuts and lines now. For better or worse. :upside_down_face:


That was kind of the point lol. NDN gifted them to friends and seed makers with the expressed position of not selling them pure. Not only could Hazeman not follow directions with Ghash but he did the same thing with Molokai Frost & 79 X-Mas Bud (which he got purposely baited with because the person knew he would go against his word and sell them). Everyone but him apparently could follow basic directions lol.


@Mithridate I do agree that it is bad Mojo if you agree not to release them as a promise in order to get them. I believe if you give your word you keep your word.

But… if someone is not a member here when they were given out where can you get these as freebies?
I would love a free pack of the 88g13xhashplant.

I used to get G13 buds in the mid 90’s haven’t seen it since.
The closest to the 88g13xhashplant are crosses everyone is selling.


There was never a public run on here…
When hazeman first reproduced them, he put them for sale pure and some called him on this move. So he offered them as freebies for a bit.


I would never buy hazeman 88g13hp. Especially when there’s 100’s of NDNGUY’s cut crosses. It is our obligation to uphold the wishes of the discoverer’s of these cuts.

Ethics and integrity are important. There will always be people with parsed lips in waiting.


I totally get it. Good way to ruin your reputation by not keeping your word.
I agree ethics are important but I did get them before I knew about the promise made not to sell these.


No choice but to gift them to someone now to clear the vibe check :joy:

I got jokes. It’s on the seller really… I can see how growers may not be aware of any of this.


I gave away all my MMS stuff.


Yeah, I didn’t intend to sir the pot.
There has always been shady people in this game, guess it goes with it being illegal for so long.
Seen my fair share of unethical dealings to say it mildly.


I remember hearing about the “g13” government stories when I was 13-14 so that urban legend has gone far and wide before the net even hit. I’m sure most people just see the “g13” and remember the stories and never know about the request for it to not be sold.


The G13 is not the same as the 88g13xhashplant.
I used to buy G13 in the mid 90’s Was told the lore of it and how it was grown in a government lab and was supposed to be the strongest weed. I never found it to be the strongest and prob was told that just so it would sell faster. I was also working like a maniac staying up for days and chain smoking weed. So at that time no strain would be the strongest for me.


Same here at around 13/14 got my hands on some G13 from a buddy’s older brother around '96 and supposedly was leaked from a lab or college. I only blazed it a couple times but looking back it was some good old school weed. After high school had a buddy running the Lemon G for a few yrs and it was cool at first but got burnt out on it qk. Running a Bodhi 88g13hp cross right now short stocky from the hp. All very different from my experiences.