Is it possible to “register” a strain of marijuana?

Is it possible to “register” a strain of marijuana? I wonder if this ever crossed anyone else’s mind on here…'cause I wanna stamp my PICC-98 aka Cookies Galore strain that I bred, or is it still like a word of mouth type thing?


I presume legally. Not easy or straight forward. Try a forum search for plant breeder rights.


You would have to release it to the public, and will lose any legal rights to anything that is bread from it.

This podcast explains it at the 52 minute mark.


Depends which country you’re in. It’s also a long, expensive process as far as I know. In Canada, strains can be (and have been) protected under the Plant Breeder’s Rights act. This is the sort of thing only corporations really have the resources for though.


I just blast the name on a forum as a profile post…something like “i hereby claim and reserve the name xxxx”…I’ve only done it once, but that name is now logged as the first time mentioned was by me…still gotta make it, but peeps will know it was mine first.


I made a webpage to reserve names. I put “I reserve the following names and any combination of these names listed here”…. and then put the whole dictionary on there. I am pretty sure I own your name as I did this 10 years ago. I will allow you to pay a royalty fee for fair use though. :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

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Lol that’s funny

I think this is what you’re looking for.

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I would imagine it varies from place to place. Here are the steps and info in Canada.


This guy generated every possible combinations of letters and copy righted it. :wink:

I think the number of pages has 5000 digits, lol


What is this?

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A computer generated library of every combination of letters. In theory, by doing so, that guy wrote lots of incomprehensible gibberish but also every future books, scripts, conversations etc.

If I remember correctly he copy righted the entire thing making it “impossible” to write or create anything new.

Funny and freaky.

That makes no sense bud. Just because he got a copyright on the library does not mean folks can’t use the words in it. Otherwise every book that has ever gotten a copyright would have negated all words in it from use and would also mean that his library violated copyright laws :wink:

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You could try to NFT that shit. That way anyone who wants the strain can only get it from you, or at least the NFT version. You sell the seeds and include an NFT of hashtonkusha’s cookies galore!


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I never said that. Did I say that? :grin:

Earlier today, a member mentioned he reserved strain names by posting these names on his website, as a dibs or somekind of proof of earliest usage.

I posted about the library of babel just to show somebody had pushed the idea to the extreme.

Copyrights erasing words from common usage, what the hell :man_shrugging: lol


ok, I misinterpreted your post because what the hell was exactly what I thought, lol.

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Is there a NFT maker out there?

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Umm, I know something called Fone allows you to make NFTs but I have never used it. It’s an Android app.

It is called Greenspace NFT, Fone is the coin that backs it.


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I’ll check it out

You can register your strain right into my stash box :slight_smile: