Is it too late to lollipop & LST the plant middle of week 5 flower?

There a product at kelp4less called liquid gold it suppose to be a great replacement for fish emulsion without the smell.


Sadly, no mention of NPK values on either liquid seaweed or the granules. Thatā€™s a major issue here. Most organics donā€™t have NPK values mentioned. Itā€™s only the synthetic nutes that have them labeled.

First of all, I canā€™t tell you how happy I am to see you with that plant. What a distance you have come since your first few posts. Fantastic!

Personally, I wouldnā€™t mind compromising on the organic principle to apply necessary nutrition at a time like this. So I wouldnā€™t hesitate to apply some synthetic general purpose or bloom dose now. Of course, personal opinions will vary on this. Itā€™s all a journey, small steps. Organic is a big step because you have to make all the decisions ahead of time. Thatā€™s hard to do without substantial resources (time and material). Iā€™ve been learning to accept that I canā€™t predict, prevent or fix everything with gardening. Actually, I think thatā€™s actually the reason I enjoy it so much. Itā€™s a perpetual journey.

So, if I were you, Iā€™d supplement with some all-purpose or general flower nutes just to get you over the hump until your organics further become available. Itā€™s not going to ruin your organic effort, just a bump to keep her happy. And overall I am very impressed with the strides you have made to date.

And to answer the original question I donā€™t hesitate to clip larf, bend branches or remove leaves I donā€™t want all the way through flower. I wouldnā€™t top her right now but some LST should be fine. But Iā€™ve only grown outdoors and by this point in flower they have been large and healthy, easy for them to recover quickly. And do things in increments like you have been.


Thanks for the advice and assurance. She is indeed coming along nicely compared to her younger days. I do have quite a lot to learn with organics and growing in general.

Iā€™ll see if I can grab some synthetics to fix the issue ASAP. Iā€™m not home for another 3 days, so I hope she doesnā€™t take a turn for the worse.


Not sure what you mean, most organics should still give you a npk or micro breakdown. Perhaps Iā€™m confused about what you meant

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A lot of organic gardening fertilizers sold here donā€™t have the NPK values or breakdown mentioned on them. I have a slew of products at home and none of them have it mentioned. Itā€™s just how gardening ferts are sold here. I can look up general details on the internet for each type of fertilizer, but thereā€™s always a considerable difference in the real values due to lack of standards.

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Excellent first grow. I always lollipop and lst whenever I want, just be gentle and remember itā€™s not necessary many times.

If youā€™re growing for yield just make sure all the bud sites are exposed and donā€™t do anything crazy.

btw - have you checked for mold or pmā€¦ whatā€™s your humidity? thatā€™s important when so many fan leaves are left in the middle of the plant restricting airflow and trapping humidity. If you do create space - do it in the middle.

Thatā€™s exactly how I have it right now. Good open space in the middle and colas stretched out sideways.

I wonā€™t have to worry about PM or mold. Summer is here (very early unfortunately) and RH is about 30%