Is this a better way to store seeds?

Wow you guys aren’t playing around
@massterpyy @FieldEffect

Now I want a farraday bag :metal:
Have you put your phone in it to test its efficacy Mass?


I’ll be honest I don’t know what that means :sweat_smile: but if i’m correct in thinking it means “does it work” then heck yes it does!

I put the hygrometer in the bag and also my phone, & both lost signal! it’s a decently large bag too, so could fit a laptop or multiple devices like phones, etc. if needed.

I possibly went a little overboard/paranoid thinking the bluetooth would hurt the seeds, but if anything I guess it provides more insulation as well in addition to that feature. :rofl:

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Yea sorry about the “test the efficacy” I’ve been reading too many scientific papers. This hobby goes deep!

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oh shit sorry I’m high and read your response wrong! “test the efficacy” makes total sense :rofl:

I read it as “test the efficacy MASS” as in like testing the “efficacy mass”, not thinking about my user :rofl: :rofl: how funny!

The bag does work really well though! Seals with Velcro is the only flaw but I have everything inside sealed so no worries there.

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Haha, alright I was 99.9% sure the guy who bought a farraday cage for his seeds knew what “efficacy” meant.

Btw, its too bad they don’t build entire houses/rooms with those cages. I’d buy one :wink:

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what a stoner moment! Reminded me of “dude where’s my car” “your tattoo says dude, your tattoo says sweet!” :joy:

That actually is a pretty sick idea and probably wouldn’t be impossible to do! Now you have me thinking lol.

You could essentially just line the walls of the tent with the same material in the farraday bags :thinking:

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