Is this a edited picture?

S by Side 2 side by side

This is why you never buy Cannabis by simply looking at pics…

The Ai enhanced pics look a bit off to me…Maybe because my point and shoot or cell phone just are not good enough to correct for my picture taking shortcomings. :thinking:

I guess the trick it to take a really good pic in the beginning.

Weather you leave the pic unadulterated or Ai enhanced it will always be better with a good quality 1st pic.

I remember reading somewhere @Pigeonman has some great tips for taking pics. Maybe he could jump in here and lay down a bit of that knowledge for us again :call_me_hand:


Crap that was a long post I made and have no idea where it was :rofl:

Basically, at minimum when you take a photo go into any photo software and make an adjustment to the colour so that the image represents the true colours of your “scene” by correcting for improper colour temperature.

Sun = Blue (5600K-6500K)
Tungsten = 3200K

So the simple thing is to load the image into something like “Preview” (mac user here) and then go to “Adjust colour”:

And then use the “dropper tool” to balance the image by clicking on any white or neutral gray part of your image:

Dropper tool:


I balanced this photo by clicking on the white seen here which was in the background of the actual subject matter:

And if you’re thinking it yes my Jalisco :mexico: Landrace female in the image used to help explain all this is one sexy little beast.



Beer goggles :man_shrugging:



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Damn you da man. I’ve been doing graphics since college decades ago. Where were you when I was learning😂

EXCELLENT information! Thank You!


Loving the dark leaves with the tiny bit of green in the center. Cannabis is such a beautiful plant.


Wow! What strain is she?

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yeah and royal knows a thing or two about bogus photographs…
(relevant links and documentation included)

The point is, always be honest about what you are posting. if you want to maintain good credibility, don’t steal photos, or manipulate your images with ai.

If you alter your photos, be upfront about it. and if you post photos that you didn’t take, credit the person who did.

Personally I think the only place for doctored photos like these would be the canabis inspired art thread.

If I see undisclosed modified photos in a grow journal or a trading post topic, that’s a major red flag.