Is this a hermi šŸ¤”?

Pollen sacks for sure, sorry bud.

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I keep reading the title as ā€œIs this a Hemi?ā€ ā€¦ guess itā€™s the car guy in me.

But yes, iā€™d be binning those plants alsoā€¦ certainly wouldnt risk anything else in my garden.


So Iā€™m just going through the same thing as you are 2 weeks ago and itā€™s definitely going have if you want to check out my

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I wish you the best and sending you positive vibes and if you have any questions about the pics or my plant gimme a shout and Iā€™ll tell you what I was told ā€¦it happens when you are doing everything right even so itā€™s just tough at first especially when you start with a feminized seed and I had feminized seeds alsoā€¦I would try to see how fast if they do grow back in the area where you removed the sacks from

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Thanks man!

Itā€™s one reason why I run as many plants in a small space as possibleā€¦ sometimes things will go wrong :grimacing:

Looks like you got the nanners under control for now. Iā€™ve had some plants throw those in flower and there were a few seeds in the final product but they were rare. I did have one plant that had nanners so bad that I had to cull it. It was about 5-6 weeks into flower. I harvested it early and put it into the freezer and made dry ice hash out of it.

Looks like the nanners are under control on your phototron plant though for now?

I think in general people categorize nanners and ā€œtrueā€ hermaphrodites differently because nanners can be sterile and sometimes arenā€™t a problem. Either one can seed up your buds though, but I think having a plant show pollen sacs as early as these gorillas could have pollinated my whole tentā€¦ which would have been pretty tragic lolā€¦

Either way itā€™s something I guess we have to keep an eye out for the entire life of the plant because it seems like it can just happen. Good luck dude!

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Thatā€™s exactly what I was told so hearing it from you is reassuring and I am pretty sure that I gotem under control and I think like u mentioned that theyā€™re sterile because they arenā€™t turning yellow when I noticed them and I just have to go slow and not take off good female calyx to but I also have a good friend who is getting my trim and larf for making hash and if I get any seeded nodes theyā€™ll become hash as well and happy growing and best of luck. I think itā€™s harder for you because I only have the one but I would be extra careful with it in a tent but I know itā€™s not something you donā€™t already know :man_farmer:t2:

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didnā€™t want to make a thread with the same topic, hope you donā€™t mind if I jump into yoursā€¦

sorry for the blurry pics, but does this look like a herm to anyone? It kinda looks like a male plant with hairs all over the pollen sacks

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This is a cut from a veg plant. The plant was under 24hr light, and developed female flowers in a 16 soloā€¦no balls just flowers. OH and the plant isnā€™t a autoā€¦I cut the flowering branches and defoliated and the plant continued on with vegging.


@ChongoBongo yours looks like it has small ballsā€¦


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The pic is really blurry but it does look like a male shooting female pistils :frowning:


^^ Sure looks like a herm in those pics


Definitely a Hermie homie.I made a whole tent of those one time leaving a tent flap down not thinking about it letting light in from a veg grow t
That was going on across yonder in tandem When I first started growing in a tent a couple years ago I remember what they look like well it was miles of herm eveywhere.One plant Marcā€™s Ghost (not his fault my dumbass not saying his shit herms )was herm from top to bottom no pollen dump yet still closed up sacs like rocks one plant only got it on the bottom buds I ripped off all the sacs that tried popping up and made sure it got straight dark and it stopped trying to herm and finished out.Some of the pollen seeded a bud here or two I got about 30 seeds off that plant The rest were tossed never finished out they were fucked off on site.I threw down 14 beans just to dick around and every damn one of them was a female I had so many plants I have away 9 of them.Every one of them finished no herm and was 90% like the mom just a touch off high was unchanged Color stayed more green less magentas in that one but I did finish them in summer so no cold temps.I wonā€™t breed with them but they do make some good smoke if you get lucky to fill some jars


thanks dudes. Goodbye hermie, hello compost :joy:


I have an auto that is at wk 5 so is in transition but Iā€™m pretty sure it is female except for one leaf set on stem is throwing male parts I think. Pistils around everywhere else. Can I just pluck the male parts of or is he/she done? Thanks

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Personally Iā€™d wait to positively ID before I pluckedā€¦

Wait a bit and try a close up pic to see better?