Need confirmation: ladyboy?

This definitely is not normal. It’s an Orange Goji x Amnesia Haze. I have yanked it out of the room for now, at least until I can get confirmation of my suspicions.

Hate to kill it, it’s a decent looking plant, but I definitely don’t want something that is hermie to that degree.

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Definitely not a girl. Mostly male I would say.


Not sure I see any pistils, looks 100% male. At least from the photo.


The lower nodes are definitely female.


I would get it out of there asap!


I’ve already yeeted it from the room.

Here’s some more pics of it. Definitely don’t want a rooster in my henhouse!!


This def looks like 2 pistils on the left, ball on the right.


Check out the latest photos. That lower growth is full of pistils.

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Damn it. I was afraid of this. AH is pretty prone to hermie, at least from what I’ve heard. It’s going to be turned into tincture or something.

Yeah that is a hardcore herm. That sucks!


I checked the room for Bud Light cans :rofl:


Definitely cull that right away. :peace_symbol:

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Sorry for your luck there @Hippiechik.



Doesn’t really get anymore * full blown hermaphrodite * than that.
Sorry for ya :pensive:


I’m currently dealing with a hermie :roll_eyes: I saw a few balls tryna form but I caught it kinda early (early week 2 of flower). I’m trying some Optic foliar switch I’ve seen a few people say it “reverses” the hermie at the first sign of it and prevented their most hermie prone strains from when used early during flower. It says on the website it’s supposed to block the male hormones from developing in the plant (with only 2 applications required 10 days apart). It’s my first time using it so i can’t vouch for it but I can let you know how it turns out just in case ya need it in the future

“Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?”


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Looks like Great worm food

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This seems to be just a low concentration of monopotassium phosphate in water. I’ve never heard anything about MPK stopping hermies, and can’t think of any reason why it would… maybe if the plants are stressed from lack of bioavailable P/K anyway, and you can’t dial in your nutrition with the feed water, but otherwise I’m not sure this is a useful product. Ethephon is the chemical used to reverse males and functions by providing ethylene, the female sex hormone, but this doesn’t seem to contain it. I’m not sure how safe it is to spray ethephon on plants you intend to smoke, though - that was going to be my next Google if it did contain it. :stuck_out_tongue: Considering ethephon’s an organophosphate itself, I’d be careful with it at least.

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Ethephon is considered safe to smoke… I wouldn’t drink it though

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Hmmm that’s interesting :face_with_monocle: . When I first realized my plant was trying to hermie I kinda just quickly googled what a possible solution could be to save it before it was too late (since I caught it early) and that was the most prevalent, with some mixed reviews mostly good though. I did do a tiny bit of research on the spray itself but I didn’t get too deep into how or why it possibly works. I did already apply the first application though, the next one will be in 10 days then I can see if actually does anything or is just some :poop: :upside_down_face: