Is this a hermied plant?

One of my Dancehall has pollenated but is showing weird little things


Hard to tell, lots going on in these images, and they are kinda blury.

Could be pollen sacs, or it could be a female calyx.

If the plant is pollinated than what your seeing is the swelling of the calyx because it received pollen and is now making a seed.


Pics are too blurry to say for sure…

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I’m actually more concerned by the leaves. You got some kind of parasite problem?


Ok they dont look like typical bananas but i wasnt sure. Yes im battling spider mites and thrips before that. Im using spinosad dam near every day.

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yah the mites can be really tough, they adapt to different conditions so quick. I drown 'em they can’t adapt to that. For the thrips I use a bt product known as BTK, but I think they call it caterpillar and worm killer in the usa, a single dose kills every last one of them. They can be drowned as well. The plants in question could be under stress that could cause bananas. Usually True Hermie™ sprouts in the first two weeks.
It’s better to keep the bugs out of your grow, using basic clean room protocols, then you don’t have to deal with it.

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I took an inside plant outside and left it over night. I have been dealing with them ever since.
How do you drown them?

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Strange enough the outside plants never seem to suffer from mites or thrips. I find little spiders and predator bugs on my outside plants


Just a sink of cool water it didn’t cost me anything. I scrub the plants up after soaking them in a sink full of water for 30 min. I haven’t seen a mite, thrips or aphid survive that treatment. It’s also safe for the whole family, because it’s just water.
Indoors the environment is perfect for parasites to thrive on your plant. That’s why they replicate so fast.


Ok, I have several sterlite tubs
I guess I would have to cover the pot and dirt with a plastic bag and duck tape.
Then I could dunk them and leave for thirty minutes.?

And yes these plants are two weeks into flower…were with male plants until a few days ago. There was lots of male pollen flying

mmmm now that could be a bit of a problem. When they were in bloom I just trotted the plant into the shower stall and gave it a total scrub down. It didn’t kill off all the mites but it hit them so hard they didn’t spread to the other plants.
You think you could get a better photo of the hermie part? They start out as a small green pod.
I usually wash off the medium from the roots, but I’m not sure that would be good in bloom.

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Blurry but they do look like male flower pods mixed in with the female flowers.

If they were seeded I believe we would see a color change in pistils. My tablet won’t take very good photos.