Is this how it happens? :)

This is how and why I will eventually be growing 500 plants in an attic somewhere. lol

14 years ago. It’s like marginally-slow children have lost the fucking TV remote.

Who – WHO – let these people anywhere near important things?

Sometimes, you wake up and you think, “If I’m ever going to get what I’m after, I have to work around the 5,000 mistakes and oversights a bunch of careless, sloppy but very happy stoners made.”


I only signed up to smoke, God. I didn’t even pass HS chemistry.

I have to become a semi-competent breeder to reverse-engineer my way back to my teenage high? :slight_smile:

Fine. Grr.

I’ll learn it. I’ll find the joy. Maybe I’ll make something neat.

Everybody needs a hobby.

Good way to make friends.

But damn if I’m not having a little bit of “fist shaking old man” today.

I get it now.

“This is why Overgrow, buddy.”

I am grateful for my discovery of OG, of the buddy who turned me onto it, and look forward to us creating (and recreating) bitchin’ strains together.

Happy Easter to those who partake!


You can’t ever go home again.

I found my high school seeds 25 years later and grew it out and it was excellent but the expectation of nostalgia was underwhelming.


Happy Easter to ya!

It is good to have you around.
Good luck on your journey!


Thank you, brotha! Same to you! I wish you all the peace in the world today, man.


I feel you, @navy66. And I pledge to share if I find the holy grail - of which there should be many.

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