Is this PM? What can I do?

@JoeCrowe any experience with this acid? $100 water vinegar and salt. Perpetual pm assassin. Good for skin too?

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I’m not sure it can finish it off. I prefer when it goes extinct!


I saw you recommend sulfer, but is that safe on flowering plants?

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Do not spray Sulfur on flowering plants.


Don’t spray sulfur on blooming plants unless you are just making seeds. Also, I am having serious doubts that you actually have mildew. Make sure you positively identify it.


Looks like beginnings of PM to me. Upstate NY is a similar climate to mine. I don’t think PM can be permanently eradicated in my environment. It always comes back seasonally. It requires constant IPM.

Sulfur is tops on the list, but as others have pointed out, it’s only for use in Veg. That alone is not enough here. I also utilize other strategies for flower cycle, because despite some claims, PM can and will find its way back after multiple sulfur sprays over the course of a New England summer.

Of the other options, Hypoclorous Acid seems to be, the next best. I have only used in small quantities so far though, as it’s not avail locally (order on the way though:) Preliminary findings support its effectiveness for me.

I utilize isopropyl alcohol (4Tbls/ L) and Dr. Bronner’s soap (2Tbls / L) alternating w ISO and Citric Acid (1/4tea / L) and it’s been keeping the molds, mildews, and fungus away for me this early bloom season.

The other big thing to address is the humidity of your greenhouse environment. Get a humidistat in there if not already. Also fans to move the air are essential if it’s fully covered. Personally I have come to the conclusion that for greenhouse to be effective in our climate, they really need good climate controls. Keeping the rain off is one thing, but consistent 100% rh is not much different as far as mildew is concerned. I have had better luck going uncovered and getting wet, over my attempts to cover / protect from rain.


Thank you, I was wondering about that in regards to the greenhouse. Good to have protection agains the rain, but high RH in there constantly is the trade off. Its the first time outdoors, so I have no experience either way…

I ordered the hypocholrous and will try it out carefully on the affected leaves. It does only seem to be the plant in the smaller pot, the bigger plant seems to only have water scale on the leaves so far.

So if its PM and I cannot keep it back, does it make sense to still harvest what is seemingly not affected? Like if the buds dont look moldy keep them, or would everything be garbadge no matter what?

@JoeCrowe Makes PM his bitch.

I wouldn’t smoke mildew infested weed.


What is your advice for PM in flower?


straight to the burn pile


I toss it in the compost.

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If you put any PM buds, in to cure, the bud gets a very musty smell, with an off color to them. I’ve had to take a few ounces of sealed up buds back to the burn pile.
I used to compost it, but that was before Joe’s PM thread.
Now, once a season, I spray my compost pile down also, not that I’ll ever eradicate it, but I think it keeps me from bringing back indoors so easy.
My cherry tree is getting a PM treatment this fall, and early next spring.
A Lilac bush was heavy infested with PH this past spring, 2 treatments, and that white shit melted off of the bark.


Does that mean if I see it on the bud, or is the whole plant just going to the compost even if there are parts that have no visible PM anywhere? Im just trying to understand it better.

Maybe I move the affected plant out and just keep the big one alone.

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Has the colony grown? Can you wipe it off with your finger?

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personally i dont try to fix or deal with pm. i kill the plant. one thing you can do is make seeds with it. the seeds may still carry the traits of being susceptible to PM, but the seeds offspring themselves wont have any PM virus in them unless they are re introduced. it comes from the climate. its best to try and grow more pm resistant stuff if you can. theres a lot of clones out there that come with PM already in them too. i dont like dealing with PM

theres a lot of stuff about milk possibly helping with pm. or even preventing it. but i dont know anyone that sprays milk on their plants either

I have done this. It buys 4-5 days


ive done it before too wasnt sure if it did much but it actually seemed to help. but its definitely just for veg. i dont think anyone sprays the milk on the nugs right? might get a little weird lol. seen a guy recently putting whole milk on his plants foliar and also feeding them a little in the soil (very little) but he swore that it was making just a nice difference in the plants anyways ( he wasnt using it for PM just using it for the helpfulness)

Sulfur eradicates powdery mildew. It melts the colony like battery acid.


Hell yeah i used to run the sulfur burner while i was in the house with it. Not good. But my room never ever pmed . That sulfur was embedded into my walls and everything in that room, and probably everything within 100 ft too. Its really not good to inhale sulfur. But i am also running well and my lungs are fine nowdays. Uzed to smoke 1000 blunts too . I wont touch anything with pm it gets me sick so fast… i also dont ever get sick. Been about 4 yrs no illnesses . Just alotta weed