Is this PM? What can I do?

Not really, seems like a few leaves here and there have small spots and yes, a week or so ago when I first noticed it I was able to wipe it off with my finger. Ill be back home Friday and I think the first thing Ill do is seperate the two plants and either kill the affected plant, or put it far away. I also got the chlorid stuff delivered, maybe I can try that to clean the affected plant. If Im lucky the big plant in the 15 Gal pot is still un affected. Would be such a waste, all that soil I mixed and month of veg and training…oh well I knew NY was tough region outdoors. Next year Ill try some @dragonsflamegenetics genetics outdoors. His stuff is more mold resistend as far as I know.


Exactly same problem I’m dealing with just a few tiny spots I can wipe off with finger like two weeks left. Just doing a spray with peroxide and water. Had arber fungicide seemed to at least slow when saw earlier. Should of used as preventative in veg.

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