It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

Went to check on my ladies this morning and noticed these on my Hiccup:

:pleading_face: Hermaphroditism?

It’s already been separated from the other two, but seriously, how did I not notice? :woman_facepalming:t3:


Sadly those look like pollen sacs and nanners, so I’d say yes :frowning:

Pluck those pollen sacks with wet fingers (helps to keep pollen from getting loose) and you can grow it for smoke. Most wouldn’t run it for seed as it would pass on the herm trait, and many would kill it, but I think they might have too many plants to keep an eye on by comparison. You could keep a really close eye for other nanners now and still get some good smoke. Keeping it separated from your true ladies isn’t a bad idea either… (and deal with them first, when you are clean, then deal with hiccup so if ya do pull a nanner you dont end up accidentally transferring pollen).

Seeded weed isnt bad, ya KNOW its seeded. Sinsemilla is awesome as its without seeds. Random unplanned seeds are like little bombs… Ready to kill a joint or bowl with their nasty taste if you miss them / grind them up. Don’t like the randoms…


You’ve mentioned you’ve been going through a lot. Missing this ISN’T a big deal, cause you caught it before it could do any “damage”. This is, in my opinion, just a “hiccup” that your Hiccup is having.

If it were me I’d pinch off those :banana: 's and keep going as is and just check on the plant and keep pinching. :hugs:

Agreed! I have the habit of squeezing buds I know to have seed potential to feed the “peas under the mattress” and then toss em back into the jar. At the end of the jar there’s a small pile I label appropriately for either passing along or growing later.


Thanks so much for the insight, sadly I don’t have the space right now.

I’m in the middle of getting ready to bring in a whole slew of veggie seedlings.

I was more concerned about them opening up and affecting the other two plants and I’ve looked it over closely, it doesn’t look like there are any that have “burst”, I don’t think. :pray:t2:


I do the same thing. I had a photo tent get some UFS#18 pollen in it. I KNOW the UFS was pollenated as that was the intention. Didn’t rinse it well enough, and managed to have some remnant pollen create randoms in the few nearby plants. I know to pinch out seeds from those buds at least :smiley: And made a few random, but potentially fire, crosses that I know who mom / dad are :smiley:

That’ll distract ya a little too LOL. I got a dozen ea San Marzano, Early Girl and Cherry Tomatos going, plus a dozen Basil, dozen Bell Pepper mix, and dozen Coriander sprouts going now myself. Soon to start these cool branching sunflowers, Mexican Sunflowers, which get big, bushy and have tons of small orange sunflowers. Plus a branching yellow variety. There’s a ton of cool weather crops gonna go in the ground soon, few more weeks (lettuce, raddish, spinach).

Still. you only have a few cannabis plants, so keeping an eye on Hiccup shouldn’t be too much. I’d grow her out for the smoke, and now ya know what to look for as well, so that makes it a little easier…


Yeah… you just reminded me that if I find any seeds in my Cherry Festival or Crockets Tangie… it’s GG4 that didn’t come off (or was permanently stuck too) the GSCxChem91 I pollenated with that dust :rofl: :man_facepalming:


I can’t really afford to go through the hassle of having to clean up a pollinated tent either. :grimacing:

Yes, the health issues are an issue fer sures among others. :pensive:

The cat loves the leaves so perhaps I’ll save them for her, because even though I may not fully grow it could I not still juice it? :face_with_monocle:


:cricket: Cricket’s :cricket:

Is all good…I’m asking Ed Rosenthal. :joy::open_book:



I don’t see why not! Folks (i think @Oldtimerunderground was the one that I’m remembering) juice any healthy plant that needs to be culled.



Ok…I can forgive that. :slightly_smiling_face:

Coffee…Important. :coffee:


Thank you, he’s about to give me some advice. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @KanehB yes you can juice it it’ll be fine

Also if your picking nanners a spray bottle of water will help

Spray the plants down ,pollen hates water



I love juicing any leaves I remove, and whole males many times go right in the juicer. I usually slice up apple, cucumber, or lemon to put the leaves between, helps them juice better with certain juicers.


Thanks so much for the opinions and suggestions. :relieved:

They’re very much appreciated and are being taken wholeheartedly into consideration.

Have a wonderful morning, in spite of the weather, @Pigeonman, you as well. :grin:

@Papalag Thanks for the spray the plants down tip. :wink: Going to remember that one.


Soooo it’s been a few days after the HICCUP :sob: situation and I’ve dismantled it and :cold_face: frozen it for future :beverage_box: juicing projects!

In the meantime I’ve been checking my other two ladies like a :eagle:, checking on them twice a day and inspecting them thoroughly!

Still having some health :mask: problems, have some rather invasive testing I’ll be going in for in April ~ Woo-hoo!

Keeping my mind off of that, I’ve been getting ready for the 2022 gardening season:

All my germinators are germinating:

All my “direct to soil” seeds are waiting for the germinators:

Of course there will be more to come, it’s been a busy morning around here. :grin:

:v:t2: & Many, many blessings :prayer_beads: to you and yours folks.

:tulip:Grow happy! :sunflower:


Also, for those that are “in luv” with my :heart_eyes_cat:
SHE was the recipient of her every morning, after I water the ladies; roughage!

Now she is relaxing and tripping out on the stairwell. :rofl:

My turn is not far behind with a big fatty in my near future! :crystal_ball:


@KanehB Good morning! Plants are looking lovely! I think that is cool you still kept the Hiccup for juicing! I might have to try that. Looks like you are off to a great start for your veggie garden! I’m all out of likes already… but I will circle back! Blessed be!


I’ve enjoyed your thread very much !

Your plants do look very healthy and happy. :star_struck:

Hopefully your health issues clear up asap


:laughing: My dog is all about the wake n bake too.
Right after rolling and before I can even light it, this is what I see


The 2 ladies left in the tent are looking wonderful @KanehB, I love the look of the long slender leaves, and getting frosty for sure.

Hope you have a wonderful morning and a blessed day!! :grin:


SO MUCH GOING ON! This is amazing!! I’m really looking forward to seeing your outdoor garden as it comes together!