It's Reversal (STS) Time!

Has anyone had to spray more than once with elite x elite? Pretty sure you can get your money back if so

Update on the reversal…The pods were empty :unamused: :roll_eyes: so it’s a washout. The only one that has any pollen coming from is the White Rhino!! :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:
That’s the one that most folks were interested in anyhow, so…partial success! Notta lotta, but enough to get a good bit of seeds I’m thinking.


For your first time reversing using this method, I would call it a great learning experience for everyone and you did a great job describing everything and showing pics along they way. If you ever do try it again down the road, I’m sure you’ll have higher odds of success.

One thing is for sure, reversals are never a guarantee. Sometimes you just spray and hope for the best. Once you get the spray and timing dialed in it really increases the odds in your favour. Usually I find when the pods are empty I sprayed for too long. It’s really crazy how little silver they need sometimes to reverse. Most times, I find spraying less is best.

Hope that pollen you managed to collect makes a ton of seeds for you!! Ok and maybe a couple for me too :smiley:


Some things I’ve read about this. Sorry if it’s redundant as I’m sure it’s been covered.

The first few pods that open are sometimes empty, spray again and the ones that open a bit after should have some viable pollen.
Spraying them right as the lights turn off let’s the silver work more efficiently. Silver compounds are light sensitive and degrades. So letting them work overnight let’s the silver soak in and work before most of it gets degraded.


Thanks for all the interest in this, folks! I’m going to just do it again… But, not at this immediate time, since there’s so much other stuff going on here. As a first attempt, to actually get the one I was mainly after, the White Rhino, even though the others didn’t have happier endings, I’m happy…ish! lol
There will be more attempts down the road and I’ll document those as well when the time comes.
Thanks again for all the support and suggestions, to everyone!

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You’re most welcome brotherman!! Can’t help but be interested in something this legendary. Really happy I was able to help as well. I’m sure your wife wouldn’t mind having some White Rhino seeds tucked away for a rainy day just incase. I think I remember you saying it was her favourite strain for sleep too. My wife has been struggling a bit lately with some severe Insomnia and I have for many years. I’m sure the Rhino would really help us both.

I’ll have to document a reversal project too, that I have planned for one of my winter grows. I think it would really help alot of people.

If you ever write a book (if you haven’t already lol, with all the things you’ve done in life) I would be the first to buy a copy.


Her favorite strain…next to and following Frankenstein lol She does like to mix WR n Frankie together for her bedtime…

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The plants are dead, or will be very soon. Since I’m moving on to finishing my other projects first and won’t be bothering trying to keep them alive. Poor things suffered so much lol

edit…Thanks for that tip, also cuz. I’ll keep it in mind for the next attempt!

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I remember someone mentioning somewhere , some one injected the STS with a syringe into the plant, I can not seem to find the Thread…
Any help in finding it is appreciated … :heart:


I recall seeing the same, but can’t recall exactly where. Sorry, maybe someone else has knowledge of the method, anyone carer to give a hand here?

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Thnx for sending that info, @Cormoran appreciate it.
So, there ya go @anonymous510 .
I’ve been using the Elite X Elite gold, ‘one-n-done’ spray the last few times I reversed any. With very good results… costs more, but the ‘work’ is a lot easier!


Thank you so much for the help… :heart: :heart:

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