STS Mixing questions

So, a really cool streamer friend of mine sent me the money to order some STS, and I ordered a Kit off Etsy, Which is the following link.

It contains:
1.60 grams of pure Ag-N-O3
9.00 grams of pure sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate Na2-S2O3-5(H2O)

Which it says is enough to make 15,000 ml.

My questions are:

Can I just mix the full amount of each in 2 seperate jars with 7500ml of Distilled water?

If so, What ratio of those stock Solutions would I mix together to Make the STS?

When I mix them together to make the STS will I want it full strength or will I want to mix X amount of Stock Solution A, X amount of Stock Solution B, and X amount of Distilled water?

Once mixed into Part A and Part B how long will they keep if stored in a Jar painted black to prevent any light from entering?

What is the expected lenght of time that the mixed STS componatants stored seperately will still be viable?

What sort of schedule do I use when spraying the plant I want to reverse?

Thanks In advance!


Watch this 100%

To answer directly:

Wash all your containers with distilled water to avoid any potential contamination. Yes, tap-water is contamination.

Parts A and B if kept separate and in a fridge in a no light environment will be stable for a while. Like at least 1 year while. I mix up a L of A and L of B and use them through the year.

When mixing, do this in a clear container (also washed in distilled water) so you can see if there is any reaction. Like if ANYTHING happens other than pure clear solution you gotta start over.

Working solution: Parts A+B mixed will only be most viable in within 30 days, in a light tight environment.

If you can keep components dry and mix less mixing solution you can store this stuff near indefinitely!

Best of success @Ace71975 !


Spray every 3 days under no light (i use a large box) and let dry out before lights back on as STS is light sensitive.

Flip your STS plants to 12/12 and spray then for 3 weeks (every 3 days) and then flip your seed makers.

For autos, start your STS plants 3 weeks before you start your seed makers and keep spraying the sts plant after trve leaves show for about the same time.


Well you mix up a L of each how much powder do you use of each?

When you mix the two stock solutions how much of each and how much distilled water?

Not sure my gram scale is super accurate, so I was thinking it might be best to mix all the powder up and store the A&B seperately.

I have watched that video, great overview but doesnt really cover the amounts I have coming. I was more looking for info on differnt conentration rates and how much to dilute them. For Example making a super concentrated stock solution say 500ml with the full amount of powders im getting how much of each would I need in a 6oz bottle and how much distilled water to dilute?


I wrote 1L but when I checked my notes I should have said 500ml!

Part A: 0.8 gram silver nitrate stirred into 500ml distilled water
Part B: 3.16 grams sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous) [or 4.96 grams sodium thiosulfate (pentahydrate)] stirred into 500ml distilled water

Equal parts is the most important part but for ease of working solution mixing I mix 50ml of part A and 50ml of part B so i have 100ml of STS concentrate. (Reasons for 100ml mixed are below)

Stir nitrate solution (A) is then mixed into the sodium thiosulfate solution (B) while stirring rapidly. The resulting blend is stock silver thiosulfate solution (STS).

This stock solution (**the 100ml mentioned above) is then diluted at a ratio of 1:9 to make a working solution.

In this example, 100ml of stock STS is added to 900ml of distilled water.

This is then sprayed on select female plants.

Jump on amazon and get one that’s up to 0.01 accuracy. Would cost you $20 and it’s a must if you don’t want to fuck around and find out in sometimes horrible ways.

Trying to comprehend what you mean, but in short keep the dry components separate so you can make batches as you need it. (I have a jar of each in a light proof cupboard).

this is 100% the way to go once you make up your liquid parts a and b.

trust me just math out the suggested formula from Sebring. He really did a lot of work into making the smallest batches possible and unless you have a hooded scale accurate to 0.001+ you’re gonna have a higher chance of issues.

I’m not saying you won’t succeed doing whatever you feel like, but my father was a chemist and he preached about certain practices for success unless you are absolutely experimenting to work on a theory.

(Like me defoliating RDWC every week for the entire cycle… DON"T unless you want tonnes of popcorn buds! :rofl)


Gotcha, I mean my scale isnt horrible, it goes to tenths of a gram.

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just scale on a solid surface, no breezes, and hold your breath! :rofl:


What I was asking was if it would be possible to mix the full amounts here in 500ml of distilled water, for 2 super concentrated solutions, and then mix like 1 ml of each in a 177ml bottle and add 175ml of distilled water for the usable solution? If not thats cool, just wanna make the process as simple as humanly possible.


I will help you. First thing first, wear nitrile gloves and a mask when handling the Ag-NO3. It’s nasty shit.

My recipe that works great.

To make concentrate A in one amber glass container mix 0.5 grams of Ag-NO3 with 500 mL distilled water.

To make concentrate B in another amber glass container mix 4 grams sodium thio pentahydrate with 500 mL distilled water.

You now have you base concentrates. Store in a refrigerator. Do not let kids near this shit or the chemicals themselves.

Now you are gonna need some smaller plastic or glass containers that are clean. Any contamination and it’s over = mixed solution turns brown.

Add 50 mL of stock solution B (sodium thio pentahydrate) into a container. Now SLOWLY add while stirring (I use clean plastic spoon) 50 mL of stock solution A (Ag-NO3) to container that holds stock solution B. If you did this right you’ll end up with 100 mL of clear mixed A + B solution. Pour this into your amber glass sprayer bottle. Add 300 mL of distilled water to sprayer bottle and you are good to go. Keep stored in refrigerator.

Spray nodes and mainstem of plant in the morning and right before dark. No need to drench leaves. I spray a twice a day morning and night once first flowering pistils appear until I see fem pollen sacks form. Then I stop.

After you get this down and start spraying plants you will notice the solution beads up a lot. The next level is to add a surfactant (wetting agent) to decrease surface tension. I use this organic one (see link below). Add 1 teaspoon of this to your mixed spray bottle as the final step. You will now notice your STS solution doesn’t bead up on plants. GL! Enjoy the journey.


Sebrings mix was too weak to reverse the Triangle Kush, for reference.


Nailed it. Good stuff, @ChinookKing . Slapping a bookmark on that. I’ll probably buy raw materials next time instead of a kit.
And saving those ratios…lol thanks @HolyAngel


that sounds like a recipe for disaster imho. I totally hear where you are coming from but I think doing this may end up over-complicating things exponentially :rofl:

Good to know @HolyAngel , I’ve had 100% success rate using his mix but then again i SOAK the plants down with it every 3 days until the balls show.

Here’s a First Class Funk currently in week 4 of this process where I stopped spraying at day 21 of 12/12:

STS treated on the left, untreated on the right. (try to ignore the yellowing lol):


Noted Dont do it the easy way lmao


Yeah I did the same, every 2-3 days for 5 weeks to get pollen and I barely got any and none of it was viable.


I’ve always had great success with my recipe. Never burned a plant spraying twice a day during early flowering. And if one knows the flowering timing days wise it’s wise to spray every three days the two weeks before flowering starts.


This makes me so sad :sob:

@ChinookKing great example of fine work! :ok_hand:


Ok, so this is basically Half of what im getting mixed in 500ml of water for each part.

So, Admittedly I am no chemist, but If your formula is for Half the volume of powders im getting, and you use 50ml of each, couldnt I simply mix all of it and instead use 25ml of each at the same dilution rate for the same end concentration? Is there something I am missing? Is there a reason you cant double the concentration, and then simply use half the amount and still end at the same mixed strength??


I’m using 50ml of each part A + B solution, not the power.

I make 500ml of solution A and 500ml of solution B.

I then measure out 50ml of each part into separate jars that have been marked with 50ml volume indicator.

I them mix these together into a different jar making 100ml of STS concentrate.

I then mix the 100ml of STS concentrate into 900ml of distilled water to create 1000ml of STS working solution.



Right I get this, what im confused on is this

Ok, I am getting almost exactly Double these amounts. What I am saying is, 1.6 gram is double 0.80 grams, and when mixed in 500ml distilled water, you use 50ml right? Couldnt I just mix the 1.6 grams in 500ml and instead of using 50ml, use 25ml of double strength A & B and mix it with 950ml of distilled water and end up at the same concentration You do?? That is what is confusing me because logically if I double the concentate strenght and use HALF the amount, I should still end up at the same strength when diluted right? What am I missing? Im not tryin to be a pain, i swear im not, i just cant wrap my head around why it wouldnt work to double the concentrate strength and use Half the amount?

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Try it out and let us know. The amount im mixing was suggestes as a minimum unless you have lab equipment for fine measurements.

The main reason i personally wouldnt mix that much at once is the shelf life. Once you add h20 you have a year in the fridge (prob more but im cautious.)