Jacks Nutrients

5-12-26 + CalNit + Epsom = 150ppm N, 86.3ppm Mg (+/-)

0-12-26 + MagNit (@5.2) = 151ppm N, 194ppm Mg (+/-).

Pretty high number on the MagNit combo.


You would only replace the epsom with magnesium nitrate. You still need calcium nitrate, because it’s the only source for calcium.


Could use calcium sulfate for calcium instead, and still use the magnite :thinking:


I don’t know how I missed that part. :sweat_smile:


I’m trying to say that if you wanted to stop buying 5-12-26 completely and use 0-12-26 for everything instead, you can do it with magnesium nitrate to replace the lost N in the base formula.

So you would buy this:
Calcium nitrate
Magnesium nitrate

Instead of this:
Calcium nitrate

By not having any nitrogen in the formula, it’s more flexible and gives you a wider range of numbers you can hit. You could also buy potassium nitrate if you wanted to mess with magnesium numbers.


hmm yeah I updated the spreadsheet and that looks pretty decent :thinking:
Not too far off from maxibloom numbers actually :sweat_smile:


Egg shells and vinegar make calcium phosphate correct?

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Calcium acetate


I use Ca Acetate from bulknutrientsupply.com to supplement my Ca when dropping NO3. You only need a little to hit your numbers. It is 25.34% Ca. I’ve also been using Cal Prime from Haifa. Better N to Ca ratios. You can get various size containers from customhydronutes.com when he has it in stock. If your in the states of course.


Sorry, bulksupplements.com


Been following this thread for some time. When I was seriously looking at Jacks I wasn’t sure what to get. Local place was limited. I’ve also been following @Slownickel on Insta. I’m way more tempted to go his route, than Jack’s. Finances prohibit either right now.
I ended up using GH Maxibloom. We’ll see, but I think I like GH Lucas formula better. The Maxi drops my ph a bunch, so I have to ph adjust everything I mix now. My back dictates I mix only what I can easily carry, so kind of a pain.


Anyone else using Jacks at a higher EC rate? I am at 3.2 at the end of veg/beginning of flower and my plants are loving it. Still seeing slight purple streaking in the stems so I feel like I might be able to go even higher. I don’t see the slightest hint of leaf tip burn.

I grow under LEDs with about 600 - 650 ppfd at the canopy at 12 hours of light so about a 25+ DLI.

I am going to try to up the ppfd to 800-850 to give me a DLI of about 35 for the peak of flower time. I will push the feed up to 3.6 - 4.0 EC to help push the plants into high gear.

Just wanted to see if there are any other high EC folks out there. I think you definitly need LEDs for this high an EC though.


Not that high, but I run at about 2.3 - 2.5.
Rockwool, drain to waste
LED bar style at about 950 ppfd
I try to get temp up to 82f if I can.

Since I really started to push light and EC and temp - plants have never looked better. I truly believe that the various “deficiencies” and “lockouts” I was experiencing were simply under feeding.

You can feed low EC and run lower light levels and grow perfectly fine cannabis. Or, you could increase both and, in my opinion, grow better cannabis.


Slownickel drops a lot of vague hints about his method, but only gives actual information if people pay for his consulting services. The vague hints are just enough to be problematic if someone doesn’t have a really good grasp on what you’re doing and how to read the plant if you run into issues. And then there’s his ridiculously overpriced products…good to use, but people pay a major green tax when buying through him.


You have to admit, the guy can grow plants in some shit soil. Maybe not for a small home grow, but there’s good information in his posts. There are lots of ways to use it, without necessarily buying all the products.

Might not be too overpriced if you don’t need all the products being oversold. I use way less products than I did just a couple years ago. By volume and variety.

What is your recipe? If you don’t mind. Say 5 gallons at a time for soil. Veg- bloom.

How do you like GH? I have used it. Years ago. I thought it was good. I added extra but as a base grow it was good. I’m an Advanced Nutrition ph perfect is what I like. Just getting pricy. It’s cool on sale not very expensive. Not as cheap as jack’s

I like the idea but isn’t that a bunch on the back end? P-K is something that I do run heavily on. Not every feed. The stuff I use is high on that end, but I don’t run it all the time. Anyway thanks for the time.

Been thinking about this lately as I start to get towards halfway through my two 5# buckets of Jacks, obviously I’ve got like a year to decide but increasingly this makes a lot of sense as a KISS system.