James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

So, while I pray for a mold-free dry, life in the Octo-Burner goes on…

Making a comfortable home for Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone

Good selection of “Turbo’d” clones. To chose from. :arrow_up: :arrow_down: 4 of what Im after :100:

Insert bottle…


Looking like a space alien…

Hanging out in the Big room for a bit…

My friends flowering area. Soon to be refitted with additional 3 or 4 Octopots…

Snug as bugs… :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

Stan ready to head home. He and Tanley had fun together!

Lots of ProMix settling during the ride home. Rain Science bags really let the fine stuff fall through…

Able to squeeze another fan above the light…

Head Hunter and Walkn–n–LA

Looking like happy nieghbors

Welcome :arrow_up: :arrow_down:Home :beers: