James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

So, Im wondering what to stick in the Octo-Burner next… Got lots of seeds from ILGM and some good stuff from Veterans grab.
Some fem seeds that seem pretty cool. Even saw an autoflower or two as well. Def dont want to do another long running pheno. LSD and Blue Dream both 10 weeks…
Although, my buddy just texted me and offering up a premium Hawiian strain. probably go with that.

More new info as Im writing…
Tiki Madman Hawiian Snow Cone

Here’s from the Tiki website… Spensive as fuudge

Here’s HSC clones my buddy has brewing.

Im thinking this would be a great entry into the Turbo Method, and a great second Octo-Burner grow!

Harvesting Saturday, and plan is to go to buds place and fill my Octopot and insert clone straight from turbo cloner at his place. Drive home, set up in the 2x2, fill res, etc…

What could go wrong!?


Looks like a good boy.
Male terrier…
Does yours find things you use daily and then hide them somewhere out of spite?

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Getting things prepped for tomororrows harvest…
Grove bags sealed with Blue Dream and Skywalker OG.

Making room in the Cannatrol…


That plant and set-up looks awesome - good luck!!! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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Hi @supersecretjim , having read through the whole of the thread for the third time, I am amazed at how disciplined you have been - lol. Where did you get the info regarding how much nutes to use for each week? My little Northern Lights plant in my greenhouse is still only 6" tall and just produced second set of true leaves after 20 days (although the weather is sh*t) and just watering and feeding every three days or so - any help would be much appreciated :smiley: :smiley:


Got started right around 8:00 a.m… Me and my faithful sidekick Stanlee :slightly_smiling_face:

LSD Harvest Part 1

Everything going well until I got a few colas in and found…


Looks like it was going very well in the images!


Damn looked great buddy. I can’t really see anything in the images but pretty flowers



That photo barely shows it. Spider webbing on 4-5 colas. Lost a couple of full Colas, and some partials.

I had planned an 8 day dry and 8 day cure cycle low and slow.
With mold making itself present, I’m wondering if I should just go for a factory setting run and risk possible over drying…

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Hey Nick!
Great to hear about Northern Lights!

Here’s the Athena Blended link…

Hope thats what your’re looking for!

I just changed to custom blend on 10 week flowering strains


LSD Harvest Part 2

Decided to leave one top cola intact :arrow_down: as “trophey” to wow and impress :rofl:

In reality, its the smallest of the mold-free colas. Most all else bucked down to the buds…


Great pictures, thank you for documenting the crop. Bugger. Sorry to hear about the mould mate. I’ve not got any experience with a Cannatrol but I’ve found mould before while harvesting and cut it out and kept the rest. Once it’s spread out and drying I’ve not had it spread to drying buds so I think you’re safe. It looks like you still got a good haul from that one plant. That’s an impressive and interesting rootball for sure.

I like to trim when wet also and I’m thinking to get one of those trim bins for my next time and maybe dry in it also. Does anything fall through the screen while trimming or only once it’s dry?

Tell Stanlee I said “Hi!”


I was surprised as hell. Didnt notice it until my buddy Vern showed up. I broke out the 5x lighted glasses and noticed it as Im moving buds around up high on cola. Only affected some mains, but no side branches.

Im hoping. Gonna keep a close eye.

Not bad, considering. Im not sure what to guess, now.

I LOVE that root ball! You can tell by the depth of soil line how the roots spread. The top half of bag is nearly empty. Huge root mass in lower 1/3 of bag and same in reservoir. Just the way it should be :100: Hydrowick supports bag with soil.

I dont have preference either way for trimming, but maximizing space pretty much necessitates full wet trim.
I also feel people are lying to themselves and others when weighing big colas and buds beause of stem weight. Bit of weight in stems…


Decided to go ahead and run LSD with default settings 4 and 4…

Only customization I made was to bump Store setting a tad.
Running in hopes of minimizing chance of additional mold.


Sorry about the mold. What a great read through though. I look forward to your smoke report!


That’s really interesting how the Octopot works. I watched a couple of videos on it after seeing your roots. I guess no roots in the upper 2/3 of the bag as it doesn’t wick up that far.

Fingers crossed for a smooth mould free dry.

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Thanks for info @supersecretjim exactly what I was looking for - now to feed my baby :smiley: :smiley:

What was the density of the buds? I’ve had problems before with botrytis in the past, mainly on plants with big, dense buds.

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So, while I pray for a mold-free dry, life in the Octo-Burner goes on…

Making a comfortable home for Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone

Good selection of “Turbo’d” clones. To chose from. :arrow_up: :arrow_down: 4 of what Im after :100:

Insert bottle…


Looking like a space alien…

Hanging out in the Big room for a bit…

My friends flowering area. Soon to be refitted with additional 3 or 4 Octopots…

Snug as bugs… :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

Stan ready to head home. He and Tanley had fun together!

Lots of ProMix settling during the ride home. Rain Science bags really let the fine stuff fall through…

Able to squeeze another fan above the light…

Head Hunter and Walkn–n–LA

Looking like happy nieghbors

Welcome :arrow_up: :arrow_down:Home :beers:


Im totally here to entertain! :rofl:

If all goes well, should be vaping on it Sunday. Maybe Saturday evening… :pray:

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Top 4-5" totally dry. Then a slow moisture gradient. The Rain Science bags really keep things dry.

Mold had nothing to do with that stuff. Mold was 78°-80° temp, along with high RH, and little circulation up top to those main colas. Installed upper fan between lamp and exhaust to aid in upper tent circulation. Dont and WONT have anything blocking the light…

Fingers crossed :100: