James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

So, Tiki Hawiian Snow Cone is now in the Money-Pit.

Made the executive decision to swap Powie Pineapple from the 2x4 into the 2x2 and move Tiki Hawaiian snow Cone to the 2x4 because she is just starting in Flower and will fill the space better than Powie Pineapple will.

Here’s Powie Pineapple :arrow_down:

and Tiki Madman Hawaiian Snow Cone :arrow_down:

Powie Pineapple is moving in on Day 14 of Flower. Looking Good, and stacking nicely :beers:

So, for those watching Tiki Madman Hawaiian Snow Cone, she’s over here…

Powie Pineapple will thrive in this Mini-Pit, I’m sure.