James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

So, I made the executive decision to swap Powie Poison from the 2x4 into the 2x2 and move Tiki Hawaiian snow Cone to the 2x4 because she is just starting in Flower and will fill this space fairly well

Powie Pineappe Is a bit small, and on Day 14 of Flower. I dont think she’ll get much taller. Tiki Madman Hawiian Snow Cone is going crazy, so made sense to swap

So to wrap up the past few days…
Powie Poison decided to “go male” on us. He’s out.
Tiki Madman Hawiian Snow Cone in this 2x4 Money-Pit
Powie Pineapple is now in 2x2 Mini-Pit. Find her over here…