James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Heres Fridays in-tent cam shots…

I may have to do this one in the bigger tent. I think shes gonna be a monster. Not talking switching tents now, but maybe next grow take a cutting to the 2x4 Money-Pit.
This is premium genetics. I hope that Im worthy and help reach her full potential :vulcan_salute:

And she’s definitely getting a lil TnT this weekend, along with stack treatment twice weekly thru week 3 of Flower :100:


this is gonna be one dense hedgerow! …again! :drooling_face:

So, Tiki Hawiian Snow Cone is now in the Money-Pit.

Made the executive decision to swap Powie Pineapple from the 2x4 into the 2x2 and move Tiki Hawaiian snow Cone to the 2x4 because she is just starting in Flower and will fill the space better than Powie Pineapple will.

Here’s Powie Pineapple :arrow_down:

and Tiki Madman Hawaiian Snow Cone :arrow_down:

Powie Pineapple is moving in on Day 14 of Flower. Looking Good, and stacking nicely :beers:

So, for those watching Tiki Madman Hawaiian Snow Cone, she’s over here…

Powie Pineapple will thrive in this Mini-Pit, I’m sure.


Mondays in-tent cam shots…

Powie Pineapple looking good Day 16 Week 3 of Flower

Powie Pineapple enjoying her new digs… She will do well in the Mini-Pit :100:

Gave her a feeding yesterday - Athena Blended Week 3 with PK. Also gave her Stack foliar treatment. She will get two more Stack treatments this week, then done for this grow. PK will keep going till end of Flower.
RO water and Bloom mix with PK puts me in perfect PH range. 6.0-6.3 every time, although I always check.

The shot below was taken just before moving to the 2x2 Mini-Pit. Saturday morning and stacking decently :beers:


All looking amazing @supersecretjim - keep up the good work loving the pictures and info :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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Powie Pineapple Looking good :beers:

This is from Monday Day 16 Flower

This girl is just sooo “vertically challenged”, but she’ll produce some good bud, I’m sure. I cant even begin to guess how much from this one. I feel anything less than 8oz from this tent is a failure, but mostly want good bud :100:


Thanks Nick!
Im trying…


Here’s Tuesdays in-tent cam shots…

Flower Week 3, Day 17.
Major defoliation coming up this weekend :100:


Tuesday Nights action…

This one is really starting to impress. :arrow_up: Stacking and just really filling out. Its starting to get good!

Leia hanging out for the week. She’s doing awesome, and coming to work with Bill every day, and going home each night. Such a Good Girl!

And she’s really loving the bed I brought for her :100:

In-tent cam shots as Powie Pineapple waking up…

This weekend is end of Week 3. She will be fine tuned… Defoliation, Trim & Train… the whole shebang…


Great shots as usual - (except for the one which almost blinded me - lol)
Leia is looking gorgeous and sooo comfortable in her new bed - nice that you still get to see her - stay well :smiley: :smiley:


Checking in on Powie Pineapple while she’s sleeping…

Reach for the sky, Ms Pineapple!

I like the way she’s looking overall.

Here’s current in-tent stats with lights off.

She’s been on level 10 now for a while, and pulling well over 1000Ppfd

Lights on in less than 10 minutes!


Thanks Nick! I love that one. Smacks you right in the face, lol.

Leia’s a little sweetie, and welcome any time she likes. Bringing Stanlee with me tomorrow, so they’ll have some time together as well.


Thursdays in-tent cam-shots…

Jane app with stats…

Super-long 57 day Veg on this one and her bigger brother Powie Poison.
Pah-lenty of roots in the Octopot reservoir on this Day 19 of Flower.

She’s a short strain, made shorter by a shitload of light thru Veg, Im sure.

Looking healthy and happy!

Didnt do anything to her last night, other than open tent & check water level. Thats it. Level low and probably empty by the time Im home tonight. Got a bit left from this weekends feeding