James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Thanks Logan! Trying to keep informative and entertaining. Dancing girls arrive tomorrow, lol


She’s good enough on her own. The dancing girls will be far inferior to what’s already happening!

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Day 5 of Week 1 Flower for LSD.
View from the overhead cam…

Couple of shots from below…

Looking super-healthy and in need of a trim

These two shots blend in :arrow_up: together :arrow_down: very well…

She’s definitely needing some nutes, should have mixed yesterday, but Im on it tonight!

Here’s in-tent stats…

Vpd is a bit high, but she’s looking really good during this first week transition to Flower. Lamp is on 10 for the past day or two, I believe.


Some Tnt Wednesday evening…

Tied down the corner mains to tent poles…Spread them out a bit :100:

Did a bit of supercropping to several mains to keep relatively uniform.

Ive tried to get into the habit of Massaging the stems every once in a while to break the walls down and strengthen them up. I use Athena Balance as well. Has Silica to promote stronger walls, and other good stuff, Im sure…

Topped off the water and nutes with 2 more gallons of veg mix left over from last feeding. She was halfway to first mark, now she’s got a couple of days.

Ive got 4 gallons of RO water mixed up, just need to add nutes this weekend.

Decided this morning to bite the bullet, and order some Gorilla High-CFM bars for this tent. They really hit you on shipping…


Thursday in-tent cam shots…

I’m still considering removing :arrow_up: :arrow_down: some of the lowers…

Need a day or three to think about it… Gonna be a bit low.


Thursday nights action…

Sent her to bed with an Athena Stack foliar application. That goes thru Week 3 Flower… Twice weekly.


Looks fabulous! How is the small development?

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Hey guys, Happy Friday!
LSD is now on Day 70. This is Day 7 in Flower.

Here’s Fridays in-tent cam shots…

AC Infinity EVO4 pegged to 10! PPFD around 700-800 or so. Im expecting some decent growth next week. Week one is just a transition… Week 2 and 3 should see more aggressive growth :100:
Once they hit that top net, its 1000ppfd+


Development is looking great. Still main has a bit of a problem developing leaves to care for the flowers

LSD Day 9 Flower

More ppfd testing…

All ppfd shots taken with tent doors and windows fully closed. Ppfd sensor placed on net and readings taking after doors closed and fully zipped…


Back Corner

Front Corner

RT Side

And here’s shot below her skirt…

Did a little more trimming and training. Decided to take those lower nodes that have no hope of being productive. Got to be ruthless…

Really happy with the ppfd readings I’m getting. From the center to the worst reading of all on the side of the tent is only 120 ppfd difference. Loving that!
Corners less than 90 ppfd difference. Hell yeah!

So LSDs at around 800ppfd right now, and reaching for the light!


Happy Monday, but not really Monday, since its Tuesday with all the feel-good Moday Morning attributes…
Tuesdays in-tent cam shot… Super-sneaky, “while she’s sleeping” edition.

LSD in her anticipatory praying position… She knows light is coming!

Gave her Week 2 Athena Flower Schedule on Sunday 5/26. I think she’s gonna need Stack foliar treatment tonight.

She’s looking good, and moving up…


Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…

Shes good on nutes for at least the next couple of days :arrow_up:


Gorgeous :heart_eyes:

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Im really trying this time…

Gorilla cfm kit (tent bars) x2 arrived! Shipping is more than the part cost. Ordered an extra CFM kit for my 4x2, and two of the 2x2.5 kits. CFM kit shipping exceeds part cost. I’m not sure how they calculate shipping, but I’m sure it’s to do with box size since the Box used to house the three kits is twice the size of the bar boxes.

Just another incident of a company putting themselves in front of customer by inflating shipping charges…

Un-American and they should Dragged behind a speeding car for 20 miles wearing nothing more than a speedo, LOL. But really. They’re still a ways behind Groove Bags, who are the king of fucking customers with outrageous shipping charges…
That rant behind me…

Here’s some pics!

Did a little bit of trimming and training as well as installing the bars in strategic places…


It’s been a while, and I couldn’t resist opening the tent just for a moment to take a peek…
Here’s Wednesdays out the effendor pic

Hit her last night with an Athena Stack foliar treatment after bedtime. She’ll get those thru week 3

And here’s in-tent cam shots…

Gotta get this upper cam :arrow_down: sorted out :roll_eyes:

But it does show the new bars installed, adding functionality to the tent. And making it that much more difficult to close tent doors. Really spreads things out…

Can get a good look :arrow_up: at my training with this lower view. Ties to the net and frame pieces…
Quite a few minor supercrops going on in there, as well.

Im really diggin the “one plant in a 2x2” deal. Having fun with this one!


Behold @supersecretjim has actually created the mythical sixteen headed monster we have all been told is not possible.



Thats right boys and girls, the mighty Hydra has arrived!!
Shows daily at 3, 5 and 7 pm :rofl:


Seriously awesome training dude!

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Thanks bud, I appreciate it!