James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

In-tent Upper cam repositioned

Off to sleep for her…


Flower Day 13.
Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

Huge Supercrop on this :arrow_down: one

__________________ :arrow_up: Supercrop last night
Jane says I need to do another Foliar application today. Will do at lights out…

She needs more nutes as well. Think reservoirs almost empty…

Lets see how the gauge reads once Im home around 5:30 or 6pm…10:53am as I’m writing.
Or maybe float her on fumes until Friday evening and blast her full-strength week 3 Flower nutes… :thinking:


I often censor my inane compulsions (whilst medicated or no) to blather compliments like “wow this looks amazing”.

Not today my friend.

wow, this looks amazing! :star_struck:

(Back to browsing in silent awe 🫢)


Thats awesome! Thanks so much NNJ!
You’re amazing! This is the first thing I saw today after getting to work and booting up :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:
No Stan with me this Friday, as I have VA appointment… so a bit of a bummer. This made me smile.


Stans at home sulking… Breaks my heart. I should have brought him with me :frowning:

Here’s Thursday nights action…

Pics taken around 6:30pm. Still a bit in the res, and some time to drink until 9pm…

Decided to let her float on whats in the reservoir until Friday evening. Im sure she’ll be hungry!

Also knocked out last nights foliar application


this is really starting to RIP hell yeah


Nicely done :+1:


Fridays in-tent cam shots…

Flower Day 14. Day 77 from Germination. Topped 3 times to 16 mains…

Reservoir situation is looking good and will see how it is when I get home. Could possibly even float until tomorrow AM to feed.

Gotta give another shout-out to @Mr.greenbee for the RainScience bag inspiration. This bag is really kicking ass on this grow. Im definitely using in all my Octopot grows from here on…


Here’s Saturday, June 1st.
Flower Week 3 day 15. Full-strength feeding. 2.5 EC

2.5 on the nose…

PH 6.1-6.2

Shes really stacking up! :arrow_down:

Moved some bars around, and tomorrow will do a little bit more training


Here’s Saturday’s in-tent cam shots…

Hanging out with Stan at Cheba Hut.

Went out to Summerlin for a walk around the market so he can meet and greet with other dogs. Decided on Cheba Hut for lunch👍




Grabbed a bit of Skywalker OG for Saturday bed time vape… :zzz:

Stan always sleeps with us!

Sunday am…


Here’s Mondays in-tent cam shots… Flower Day 17

That was a Gnarly supercrop! :arrow_down:

Gotta do some Trim & Train today after I get home from work and VA appointments. Should have done this past weekend, but …

Water level looking good since Saturdays Week 3 feeding. Will give her the last of the 5 gallons tonight. Looks like about 2+ gallons in reservoir right now.
Already have 5 gallons of RO water waiting to be mixed. We’ll see how long this, plus the one gallon boost last…
Probably be close. Looks like she’s drinking about 1 Gallon+/- per day.

Light turned down from 10 the other day. Now light at 9.
Need to do some PPFD measurements again with different power levels…


I’ve got three vortex seeds in solos ill probably sex test next week. Brand new rainscience bag ready for my octopot. Really appreciate these fun updates on a cool grow!

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Just gave her that last gallon of week 3 nutes, and going in to move things around a bit…

Much more uniform across the top after some time well spent…


Here’s Tuesday evenings action…

Decent canopy

Still got enough water level to make it another day or two. Might make it to week 4

Getting that loving look from Stanimal… maybe its just dinner time :rofl:

She’s a little bit stepped from front to rear, but I’ll take it at this point. I do love this shot below…

Took a few more leaves and tucked a couple of things away…
Not quite as even as I’d like, but a pretty good looking canopy, I think. Each main has its place, along with a few other worthy brances that may make the cut (pun intended) during this weekends final trim, train, and defoliation…

Definitely some weird routing going on, but I’ll know a bit more for next grow. This is by far my most controlled grow yet, and really happy that I got two sets of CFM Bars. They make great tie downs and I’ll be able to utilize them more on my next grow.
Im also questioning my use of the lower net with this type of training. Probably not needed, but maybe case by case.

Thursday (tomorrow) will be her final Athena Stack foliar treatment. After that, its straight up Bloom Nutes,CaMg and PK booster through week 9 or 10


Hump :dromedary_camel: day in-tent cam shots…
Flower Day 19, Week 3

Light holding steady at level 9 of 10. Keep it there for now, and maybe adjust once LSD has stopped or slowed verticle. Canopy is around 900ppfd and higher buds are pushing 1100-1200ppfd


Bro, your shots look awesome!

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Thanks, bud!

Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

I really think this LSD is gonna be a good one…

Nutes low for sure. See how level is tonight, and decide if she’ll float til tomorrow evening feeding or not. Got 5 gallons of RO ready. Just need to mix nutrients…

Great side view on this one, today…

She’s getting final Athena Stack foliar treatment tonight at bed time (9pm).

Getting very Flowery in there faster than others I’ve raised…