James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Well… Got a bit done tonight :vulcan_salute:

She’s gotten very, Very Bushy over the past so many days…

Lets do something about that!

Decided to take the first node off each of the 16 main stems. It definitely helped clean things up a bit.

Gonna mix some nutes tomorrow. Feeling kinda wiped out…


Happy Thursday!

Thursdays out the effendor Pic…

Just realized today is Root Comparison Day… Woo-hoo! :fire: :fire:
Here’s Electrify roots same day from First Light. Day 49. Electrify was a cutting placed into Octopot.

Once I get home tonight, I’ll grab a few shots under LSD’s skirt and see how things look. She needs a feeding as well. I think she’s at or below the 1st line now…

Here’s Thursday morning in-tent cam shots…
Day 55 From Seed, Day 49 from First Light, Day 31 of Vegetation

Think Im going to change the waking hours. Ive been running 6am-12am Veg and 9am-9pm Flower. This schedule is still good for flower as it allows me enough time at night to do something even on a long work day.
The veg timing is going to move from Midnight to 10pm lights out, which allows easier foliar application at bed time. So new wake up is 4am in the Mini-Pit.
Ive been pretty good about the foliar appliction of Athena Stack for the first time. Also treating with Foop once in a while.
Ive been doing the foliar application during mid-evening then turning down lights and waiting roughly an hour, and then lights on.
Done with that. Send her to sleep nice and wet, and good to go an hour later. Wont be an RH problem. this tent clears quickly.

Just made the Schedule change on the Controller 69 via app. Done, and done!


Looking great @supersecretjim. The thing looks super healthy, same with the root system. You’re doing a nice job keeping that canopy nice and level and open. Really satisfying to see those pics after you’ve gone in and cleaned things up! Ha! It’s crazy how fast they bounce back after a good defoliation. Sorry if I missed it above, when did you plan on flippin’ her? I’m excited to see this thing fill out the tent during stretch.

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Thanks Hawks!

Really appreciate the good words. You’ll see more of the roots tonight!
Shes strong but has a genetic thing going on… Sprout with no fan leaf. weird. and repeating…

Shes been through the original topping making 4 mains. Topped again to 8 mains, and a week or so ago to 16 mains.

She recovers well each time. She’s a trooper so far.

Aside from one Gimpy main, she’s really doing awesome.

Planning to flip her not this, but next weekend. Same weekend Im harvesting Skywalker on my Money-pit grow.
Here’s that link: watch Skywalker and Blue Dream fail miserably under my mis-management

And yeah, it’s gonna get full in here :100:


Gonna have to rename LSD.

Call her… Alotta
Alotta Fuhkinroots :rofl:

I think LSD is rootier :arrow_up: or VERY close…
Here’s Electrify :arrow_down: again…

If anyone interested in my Electrity grow, just click below!

Mixing up some gallons of nutes for her now. About a gallon or so left in the reservoir.

Mixing up for both tents. Both Skywalker and Blue Dream are empty and almost empty…

Definitely need to get a 3rd 5-Gallon Hedpak if I’m gonna continue to run 3 girls in too tense… :rofl:

PH is at 6.3, EC 2.1. Good to go. Going to fill her up!


Here’s Friday’s out the effendor Pic…

Today is a day :roll_eyes:… got Stan with me, so that’s good. Got to work at 7:30, now at clinic for disability exams. Then back to work, then therapy at 2:00 and therapy again at 4:00.
Ugh… half of my back is still bruised from therapy session a week ago
Thats my High-Stress Training. Doctors bending me every which way…

LSD is looking good and has enough nutes in her to go well into next week.

She will get a Fooping and possibly another Stack treatment this weekend


Hey guys! Long weekend, and definitely NOT productive. Good thing most was already taken care of…

She just can’t seem to not be Bushy. Been fairly neglected the past couple days…

Stan sporting his new safety goggles!
For about 10 seconds :rofl:. Little guy is usually pretty good at rolling with the punches, but he did not like wearing these glasses, and had them off…Quickly
Back to Amazon.

Was really hoping he wouldnt mind wearing them. Would be cool if he were able to be closer to tent while Im doing stuff. Even with light turned to level 1, I have to shoo him away unless no led light on.

Light still at level 8 and LSD’s doing very well, I think.
She’s right around 600 ppfd. Full power (level 10) gets over 700ish at same canopy level…

Remember, the upper scrog :arrow_down: in green :arrow_down: is 1000 ppfd reference at light level 10

Decided to give her the last two gallons of Veg nutes from prior feeding.

She’s at level 3+ in Reservoir. Should carry her as she progresses into Flower.

Planning to flip the switch next weekend…

Same weekend I’ll harvest Skywalker OG in my 2x4 Money-Pit Grow…

Ppfd is looking good. Thats lamp level 8. She’s slowly growing towards the light. Once she flips to flower next week, she should really kick in. I’ll boost lamp to 10 at that point.


Mondays in-tent cam pics…

Wondering if I should flip now, or still wait thru the weekend?

Gonna have to move the cams to get better angles…
Didnt have a chance to train her at all this weekend. Hopefully tonight.


Looking awesome in here @supersecretjim :+1:
I finally caught up with the last week+ of posts. Lots of progress! That LSD is really bushing out.

Would it be worth waiting to flip to flower until she’s got a few branches placed in the trellis net? I haven’t worked with SCROG yet myself so I’m curious

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Thanks, I really appreciate the good words!

That lower net is just there. Not sure if Im gonna use it. Placed in the tent yesterday just to see…
I still want LSD to plump up a bit more as well.
Gonna remove a few more leaves and tie a couple mains down further.

The need for trellising seems to be minimized when running separate mains like this.
From my first grow and knowing nothing, I automatically did Pseudo-Mainline style grow, but way out of control. Just need to get the other tent more controlled. I think being neurodivergent, I gravitate towards symmetry.

This grow and its high need for training is a great exercise in HST and LST techniques.

It will be interesting to see how well my training transfers to 8 weeks of Flower. This one grow will help to improve quality of my future grows, for sure. We learn (ideally) from each grow, but this grow is taking it to another level for me.

Im really glad that I turned this Clone and Propagation tent into a full run single plant grow. Im having a blast right now :100:


Here’s some of last night’s action…

LSD Looking fairly even…

Some TnT going on. Removed a few leaves to expose sites a bit better…
Brought a few down a bit, and move a few toward center

Moved the Humidifier out of tent and see how she does without for the day. I think she’ll be good on her own now.

RIght now, just leaving most everything on. After Flower-Flip and a week or two of growth, I’ll decide which lower nodes to remove. First nodes already removed last week, I believe.

Based on the screenshot above :arrow_up:, I should be good to go. Humidifier out since last night and light on since 4am. She’s maintaining 76-79F and 55-60% RH. I like those numbers!


Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…


Here’s LSD just kicking ass and taking names on Veg Day 28 - Thursday morning.

Flipping her this weekend, for sure! She is sooo ready…
Maybe even tonight. Its just the flip of a switch :thinking:
Gonna keep feeding her veg nutes for the next two weeks into Flower. Working great for Blue Dream and Skywalker in the 2x4 Money-Pit

Looking back at my Electrify grow, she went 41 days in Veg when she was trying to fill the 2x4.
Here she was around the same days in as LSD is now…

28 days was the same amount of days Blue Dream and Skywalker were in Veg, I believe…
28 Days was also a terrible movie that I’d love to forget, but cant… Its just THAT bad. Like, Brussels Sprouts, bad :rofl: :rofl:

I just want to make sure this girl doesnt grow to the light. Remember, the upper net is 1000ppfd. Although, my tips are usually 1200-1400ppfd. Totally unsure what this one will do after flip…

A few in-tent cam shots…


Fridays in-tent cam shots…

Realized after posting these photos, I forgot to move the net outta the way! Bud sites pushing into it. Im sure all will be fine until Im home late afternoon.

Flip to Flower this weekend, and harvesting the 2x4 tomorrow. Busy weekend, along with a trim and train for LSD. Oh yeah, make a bunch of RO water too…


Most focus on the 2x4 tent today. Been at it over 12 hours. Squeezing in a bit of LSD feeding as well…

Stan not getting all the attention :arrow_up: he deserves :no_mouth:

Back on track…

She is officially on Flower schedule starting 9:00 a.m. tomorrow

Mixed up 5 gallons of full strength Veg nutes for this first week of Flower. Will do same for Week 2, then move to Bloom nutes.


That’s some impressive mainlining. About as uniform as you can get.

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I appreciate the good words, but I am my worst critic. Let’s just say it’s a nice first try, LOL


Well… Here’s LSD looking Bushy as a 1970s porn star…

Updated for 2000s…and beyond!

Removed a few lower nodes and opened things up a bit. She’s going through the lower trellis now. Flipped to flower as of this morning. Yesterday she went to bed at 9:00 p.m. and woke up at 9:00 a.m. this fine day…


Monday mornings in-tent cam shots…


Been enjoying this one thanks for the updates!

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