James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Looking great @supersecretjim! I appreciate your dedication to posting so regularly on here. Gives me something to look forward to each day! I have a couple of photoperiods I am going to let veg out for 6-8 weeks while my current flowering tent finishes up, so I have been studying your mainlining/LST strategies that you have used on this girl and your Skywalker/Blue Dream grow. My goal is to fit two girls into my 3x3 so I will most likely stop with 8 mains each vs the 16 you opted for with this LSD. I’m sure I could fill out my tent with one plant like you did here but I do like having some variety. Anyways, keep up the great work. Can’t wait to watch LSD start to stack up those beautiful nugs!


Thanks for the kind words, Hawks!
Skywalker/Blue Dream is a study on how NOT to maintain plants and somehow succeed. Pulled a Homer on that one, lol.
I try to post as often as I can because I need to see what Ive done, and for whatever reason Im much more diligent posting here than on Jane app. Always try to make it entertaining.
Check out Jays stuff. He’s really got the psuedo-mainline thing down…

That will be cool and definitely like to see what you do that in the 3x3.
Are you running Octopots, or no?

Me too! Ive got high hopes for her.


You bet man. Looks like you had a pretty solid yield from em at least! And that’s good way to track your progress. Just started using Jane and it’s fun, kind of limited but still worth keeping tabs on things with it I guess. I’ll definitely check out Jays stuff, appreciate the link.

I should specify that it’s a 27"x27"x63", so a bit smaller than a 3x3 but still plenty big to grow 2-3 medium-sized plants or 1 bigger plant. Would love to be able to pull a pound out of her sometime but so far my max is 328g from 2 medium-sized Mephisto autoflowers. My first 5 grows were all 70/30 coco/perlite in 3-5 gallon fabric pots (GH Flora Series nutrients), and this go-around I have switched to soil in 3 gallon fabric pots (Gaia Green nutrients) for sake of simplicity and just to try something new. You’ve definitely got me interested in those octopots, though! How long how you been using them for? I’ll see how this grow finishes up and maybe I’ll get a wild hair and give them a try myself!

Here’s a couple pics from my very first grow a few years ago. One photoperiod bag seed in a 5 gallon fabric pot. Was pretty happy to pull a little over 200g off of her. To this day I haven’t been able to achieve a canopy this level though lol. Do you have a weight goal that you are trying to pull from LSD?



Here’s Thursday nights action…
Didnt do nutes… Had the 5 Gallon Hedpak up on the countertop and said “fuck it”. Played fetch with Stan instead. LSD will be well fed tonight…

Did try to manage a few mains, but the ones that are really outta control are the ones that just dont want to move…

I think tomorrow while Im doing final trim and defoliation, the upper net will get raised out of the way to completely remove the lower net. Its in the way. Either raise and remove or just lower completely.
This shouldnt be too tough at this point, but Im sure if youre really listening, youll hear the explatives fly…


@havens4hawks Your stuff looks awesome! Thats one type I havent tried yet, tying her down on the side and letting fill the net… Maybe one day :thinking:

Thats basically the same floor space as my 2x2.5 (24x30). Yours is just a smidge roomier.
One 6-Gallon Octopot would love that size tent. One Octopot with a 300 watter should kill it in that tent.

The same lamp Im running - AC Infinity EVO4, or Mars Hydro FC3000 Evo…
One Octoplant would give a VERY good yield in that tent.

There was a guy, @Habitt who did kind of what Im doing and pulled a pound out of his… Im not saying thats what Im going to pull, but that is the ultimate goal. :100: He ran 2 plants in same tent, same oversized lamp.

I started this grow as a “see how much I can pull” thread… but since going to a psuedo-mainline type, that changed a bit due to the nature of mainline type grows not being as high-yielding as a typical scrog type…

That being said, I’ll be highly disappointed if I dont pull at least a solid 8oz off this tent.

My basic plan with my tents is:
2x2.5 8oz min single plant
2x4 8-10oz single plant
2x4 3/4 pound+ 2 plants

Those numbers keep me and people around me in weed… :slightly_smiling_face:


Fridays in-tent cam shots…

Just a bit-o-water in that reservoir. That will change tonight, maybe tomorrow morning…
Actually, that indicator always reads slightly high even when empty. She’ll get fed tonight.

Will make some needed camera adjustments this weekend, if I remember.


Feeding time tonight should perk her right up. :blush:


Food usually makes me happier, as well. Tonight, LSD will dine well… and fall asleep soon after (just like me!) :100:

Full strength Athena Blended Week 4 feeding tonight :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here’s Friday nights action…

Ph a bit low at 6.0, but should be ok.

Stans always ready to lend a paw to the cause!

Roots looking good and plentiful :100:

Will do TnT this morning after 9am wake-up…


Here’s day 22 Flower, Week 4 - Day 1

Lifting the Upper bars to remove the lower set. Going to slide lower net up and outta there!

And Gone.

Looking every bit the Hot Mess she is :rofl:

Bars reinstalled for training and securing tie-downs…

Someone always wants to be in on the action.

Some “alternative views” not usually seen…

I think my canopy isnt too terribly thick, and there’s some elbow room in there…

Definitely a lighter defoliation than I could have done, but there plenty of room to beathe in there.
Took quite a few cuttings as well.


Love the setup, dude!


Saturdays In-Tent cam shots while Stan and I eat lunch at Sickies garage…

I’d swear this lil guy is smiling… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hole in the center, but the additional branches will have room to fill that out…

Kind of looks like a klusterfuk, but trust me it’s definitely more organized

And as of now, Sickies garage is on my don’t fucking touch list… In less than 4 weeks those motherfuckers took a $10 lunch including entree, fries and drink, took away the drink and now charge additional $3.50.
No military discount, and raise price of puppy Patty from $2 to $3.50

Wont be back


Some shots before bed time

This shot below :arrow_down: captures the differece in height between the colas really well. Wont beat myself up too bad on this first try.

Light is 17" from net/cross-bar canopy.
Sorry, backlighting makes visibility kinda poor. Light height is even with upper tent seam…

Uni-T mounted dead center…
Testing the AC Infinity EVO4 at 17" canopy with three different Power Level Settings.
As per usual, readings taken with tent zipped up and sealed tight for light :100:

Interesting to compare the AC Infinity promotional info to what Ive got at 17" in a 2x2 compared to their 3x3 measurements…

Note my measurement in a 2x2.5 at 17" is 250ppfd LESS than ACI published “Map” at 18" in a 3x3. Smells kinda funky to me :thinking:
That said, Im thrilled with this light in this tent so far…



Im leaning on staying at 90%, which puts center at roughly1050Ppfd and no lower than 850Ppfd worst case, anywhere on the canopy based on prior comparison measurements.

Although 80% would pull numbers only 100Ppfd less on this week 4. I could also run level 8 settings for a week until deeper into Flower.

Thoughts anyone?


Sundays in-tent cam shots…
Flower Day 23


I would keep doing what you’re doing mate, it looks like you’ve got the hang of it.

Re. your light - I still go by the back of my hand. I have a 200w UFO type and it’s about 7" from the top cola. What’s the reason for staying under 100% if height isn’t an issue yet?


Thanks Igor! Im trying :100:

I totally RESPECT that, but cant condone it! lol. Im new to this and really need and love measurable, repeatable results. I need automation and measurements to achieve that.
The old school guys flying by wire got my full respect and wonderment :100:
Reminds me of the movie Twister…
Jonas “cause the days of sniffing the dirt are over”

Height isnt an issue yet, and probably wont be. Its just PPFD right now. Net is at 1000ish. Those taller colas are hitting 1200-1300 already. Ive considered backing off to 80%, lol. But they seem to be taking it, and drinking plenty. I dont want to hit with too much and slow her down either.
I try to use my gut instinct, but lack of experience tends to make me back off just a bit.


Monday morning in-tent cam shots…

Put the 5th gallon of nutes in LSD last night. So whats in there is it. May have to make more week 4 nutes, I think.

Whatever the case, I need to make RO water tonight


look great. Those buds are starting to stack up nicely.

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They are stacking! Not quite as much as I’d like. Quite a bit of space in between, but that may fill up. It’s only beginning of week 4

That’s fair enough mate. These plants are pretty hardy though to be honest I find. I’ve got a bit too close in the past with HPS lights and it can scorch the tip and the growing there slows for a bit then catches up elsewhere. I do have a patch that’s a bit toasted on the top of the plant that’s currently directly under the light, but the LEDs are a lot more forgiving as there’s less heat. I tend to push hard I suppose to get a feel for where the limit is, and then back off a bit, because I’ve only got 200w to play with. Totally respect being a numbers guy though and making decisions based on the data.

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