James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

New in-tent view…


Here’s yesterdays action…

Gonna move this one…

Right here :arrow_down:

Nice and full root system on day 25 of Flower.

Stanlee is doing wonderfuly in his supervisory position.

LSD is looking good!

Made 5 gallons of RO water. Gonna make some more today or tomorrow evening.
Got two new beans going in soil this weekend in the 2x4 Money-Pit.


Wednesdays in-tent cam shots…

Looks like Ive got a bit over 1.5 gallons left in the res…

She’s looking good! Ive only noticed a slight burn on a few leaf tips. Stacking up nicely. Not breaking any records, but looking healthy and thriving!
Unless I really fuck up from here, Im seeing no less than 8oz from this girl… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

Water level is getting low. May float her til tomorrow


Here’s Fridays in-tent cam shots…
Flower Day 28. Week 5 begins tomorrow…

A little payback for Stan being a bit “attitudey”… About 30 seconds with that Mickey D’s fry just sitting there… :rofl:

Definitely in need of water and nutes. Bobber is bottomed out :arrow_down:

Mixing 5 gallons tonight, feeding and making more RO water. Last night, had less than 1/4" in res.
Not sure if mentioned or not, but been on 8 of 10 light level past couple of days to slow down the drinking.
Gonna roast her starting tomorrow, Light level 10 and get things cooking during Flower Weeks 5 and 6, then ease back down week 7/8 on to week 9 or 10

She will either eat up the full-strength nutes and light, or let me know she’s not diggin it. Im sure all will be good…


That’s the most spoiled seedling ive ever seen.
I need to scroll down and see the results but she got her own camera and everything lol


This lil starlet aint at all camera shy! 3 Cams on her 24/7 :100:

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Got lazy last night, so here’s Saturday morning…

EC 2.4 and PH hovering between 6.0-6.1 out the bottles

Still a few minutes before lights on (9am).

Roots looking fairly decent off-white.

Got this Hydrogen Peroxide to de-nasty my hedpaks, but unsure how to use and what ratio…


Here’s Mondays in-tent cam shots…

Gonna need water and nutes :arrow_down: soon before Saturdays Week 6 Feeding…

Given full 5 gallons just two days ago. She’s drinking quickly!

Wanted to hit her this past weekend with a bit more defoliation, but ran outta steam. Got things going again in the 2x4 Money-Pit.
As leafy as this LSD plant is, Skywalker and Blue Dream were so much bushier.


Here’s Monday evenings action…

Removed a few leaves to clean things up a bit. Was just out of gas this weekend and missed my final defoliation

Really happy with this LSD grow. All 16 mains are up through the screen and even the few extra branches are getting light.
Still not as defoliated as she should be, but my best effort yet.


Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…

Drinking like shes trying to forget… :rofl:

About 2 gallons left in the reservoir. :arrow_up:
This girl is stacked… Inundated… accumulated even…

Took a few more leaves yesterday evening. Looking pretty good, I think.

Ppfd at center net height is around 1100Ppfd. No buds above net are getting less than 800Ppfd, even in the corners. Those tips sticking out are anywhere from 1100-1400Ppfd. She’s just taking it and showing minimal signs of stress… Some leaf tips are a bit dark, but Im just rolling with it till week 7 or so, then move light level down through to harvest.


I use something called Milton for this, it’s for disinfecting baby’s feed bottles. I think it’s chlorine rather than bleach though.

Plant is looking on point mate :+1:

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I’ll check that stuff out :+1:

Thanks for the good words! Should be fairly smooth sailing from here…

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Day 33 In-tent cam shots…

Bring your Stanimal to work day :rofl:

What a great angle :arrow_down: to get a good view of those colas plumping up…

Got his own plate for second breakfast. Yeah, Stans doing it “Hobbit Style” today :100:

Water is looking good for the day 1.5 gallons left in reservoir… :arrow_down:

LSD is just humming right along this Day 33 of Week 5. Gonna do another feeding here soon. Thinking since she’s a longer Flowering strain, I may do another week 5 feeding this week and keep it thru Week 6, then back to week 6 Nutes on week 7, and so on…
Gotta extend one of the feedings or go custom mix like I did with Blue Dream and Skywalker OG.


Do you do a pk13-14 type boost week around this point? I used to do that with 7wk strains but lately I’m going more for the 9-10 wk strains so I’m extending that PK week to closer to 3 weeks, then flush. Last weekend though, chatting to someone they convinced me that there’s no advantage to flushing so I might try running the next one on full strength until the chop.

Those colas are looking really uniform. I’m going to have to go back through your thread to remind myself what light you’re using, it’s doing an amazing job of keeping an even spread.


Hi my friend at what measurement is you support nets set at
I wast figuring 12 inch above soil
Then ten above that for secondary support ?

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Here’s what I’m using…

Im using PK at start of Week 3 (Day 15). Take it all the way through until final week PH Water flush.

Thanks! I think theyre looking alright, but lots of high points… My best effort yet.
Light is AC Infinity EVO4 Bar Lamp. Its really killing it in this tent. Its hard mounted, so unable to make height adjustments. Everything done with 1-10 power control. Driver mounted outside tent to aid in climate control.


Im honestly not sure. I’ll check it out tonight and report back. Distance from Soil to Net?
Looks like Octopot width plus a bit more. Im guessing 20-22".

@Papalag Checked last night and we’re decently close…
From soil level the first bars are at just about 12". The upper bars are a bit more confusing, since net is tiered. The center is around 9ish inches.

I like the Canopy height acheived on this grow. Every cultivar will be differerent, Im sure.


The feeding schedule looks good. I think you’re 100% on the right track to extend one of the weeks around now in the middle of flowering, otherwise you’ll be tapering the nutrient strength down and starting to flush when she’s still got 4 weeks left. I do the same with the Canna feed schedules.

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Its a tough call, because I havent grown this LSD before. I try to look at trichomes, etc, but thats all later on in the grow. Forced to guess and act on it early on… Hopefully she’s closer to 10 weeks.