James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

Turning main Exhaust to level 4 from 3 prior.

As I’m writing this, its around 81°, so moving down a bit…

Def need to water tonight… She’s empty.

Just need to keep this up for another couple of weeks, then drop light intensity along with temperature.


Your plants are looking incredible, bro.

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Yeah that’s the problem running 8 to 10 strains in one room
It can be pure chaos if you let it

Especially when you don’t know the strain

Some can be monsters

Ty brother


Fridays in-tent cam shots…

Nute level looking good!


Here’s last nights action…

Water level maxed out! :arrow_down: :arrow_down:Five full gallons.


Yeah, had one short plant ouf of five on my first grow. No biggie, raised it. Skywalker ended up growing taller than Blue Dream during my last 2x4 grow, and Blue Dream on shoe boxes to meet height.

Good times…
Thats one reason Im lovin this 2x2 grow :100:


Thanks Bud! I appreciate it! LSD is really proving to be a hottie…
She’s sticky and fragrant, big changes happening


Happy Saturday! Known in these parts as Flower Day 36, Day 1 of Week 6…

EC Good at 2.5

PH holding nicely around 6.1ish


Monday morning in-tent cam shots…

Looks like she’s got around 3 gallons in res, roughly. Good for another 2-3 days.

Made 10 gallons of RO water this past weekend, just need to mix nutes for LSD and the 2x4 Powie Twins.


6:30am.2.5 hrs to wake up. Got about 1.5 gallons left. I’ll feed her tonight, I think.



Here’s a bit of a comparo…

Week 4 :arrow_down:

Week 5 :arrow_down:

Week 6 :arrow_down: - 6/25/24 Day 39 Flower

Week 7 :arrow_down: - 7/3/24 Day 47 Flower… Lets keep this moving!

Week 8 :arrow_down: - 7/10/24 Day 54 Flower

Week 9 :arrow_down: - 7/17/24 Day 60 Flower

Week 10 :arrow_down: - 7/23/24 Day 67 Flower - Harvest in three days

Getting thicker, stacking and filling in those gaps! No skinny minnies here! :joy:

Going to keep adding weekly photo here to show ripening, etc at a glance!

Final photo added 7/23/24. Inconsistent camera angle foiled a perfect slide show…
Harvesting this coming Saturday, and its gonna be sweet!



Good job :clap: that’s some dank looking bud buddy

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@supersecretjim tent is lookin awesome I pove this thread homie!

Do you ever cycle in a “water only” feed in the octopot rez?

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Thanks Logan, I Appreciate the good words!

Ive asked the Octopot forum, Athena and Chris at Octopot… Consensus is nutes with every watering in Octopot.
The only times Ive not given nutes is the end of a grow for a few days or week flush, or at beginning of grow.

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Thanks paps! Really appreciate that! Starting to REALLY smell in there, and super-sticky. I think these are going to be Blue Dream sized Colas…

Very hopeful for this harvest. Gonna blow right by 8oz, for sure. Its getting real in here now :100:

Freshly fed and got a couple gallons in reserve :100:

:arrow_up: Cola City :arrow_down:

This girl is just lookin good. My happiest plant so far


Holy moly she’s a producer! Great work Jim.


Thanks Igor!
Im sure hoping so… She’s supposed to be a plumper, I think. Kinda like Blue Dream did in my 2x4.
Fingers crossed :100:
Skywalker was supposed to be bigger, but she stayed smaller, with some really dense nugs. Each seed different, Im sure…

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