James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

Water and Nute levels looking good! :arrow_down:

Temp a bit on the high side, but doable. Same with RH.


Here’s Friday…

Water level’s still looking good. Got two more gallons waiting…


Dude I’m so blown away by your plant training. She is beautiful!


Awesome Keep it up!

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LSD looking good day 44 week 7

Drove to California yesterday with Stanlee to pick up my new PRS Fiore. Just finished getting it set up this morning and restrung. On the road at 7:00 a.m., back home 6:00 p.m… long day, but Stan was a great co-pilot!

Looking healthy! Finished up the last of the week 6 nutrients, so kind of offschedule right now


Here’s Mondays in-tent cam pics…

Week 7, day 45. Still nursing the custom nutes from last weeks batch…
Need to make some RO water and current weeks nutes.


Here’s Wednesday! How’s about some in-tent cam shots!?

This girl is just sucking up all the light :arrow_up: I can give her! NO :arrow_down: signs of stress that I can see.

Temp and RH looking good… VPD is right where it should be. This really is a no stress grow (knock on wood).

Officially Flower Day 47, Week 7.

She’s gonna need a feeding :arrow_down: either tonight or tomorrow.

Thinking Ive got nothing going on tomorrow during the day, may just make RO water tonight and mix nutes tomorrow am. Just not sure which weeks nutes to mix. Been doing custom mixing the past two weeks due to expected flowering time of 9-10 weeks. I’ll figure it out fresh tomorrow AM. Gut decisions better made then…

Going to lower the light level this weekend from 10 to maybe 8. We’ll see where that gets Ppfd.
My one buddy rides at level 10 from the day of flip straight to harvest. Other buddy ramps light down last few weeks.

Thoughts? Opinions?


Here’s the past couple of days…

Stanlee chillaxin at mommys feet… Thanks guys! Got this all on my own…

More custom nutes…

Parker Fly break… The only allowed near my plants!


Very nice grow bro

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Like watching a master at their craft. She looks great!

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What an amazing journey I have taken with you! Your grow is fantastic, can we have some close ups of the buds (please) - enjoying the ride along :clap: :clap: :+1: :+1: :smile:


Thanks for the kind words!
I’ll be sure to get some either tonight or Sunday :100:


Here’s some close-up shots and REALLY close-up shots…

Looks like pistil hairs turning brown in places,but still mostly lighter colored. Trichomes looking cloudy and clear. I’ll do a better check in a few days or this weekend.
Im told this is a 9-10 week strain. She definitely needs at least another week or three…


Here’s Monday’s in-tent cam shots

Day 52 Flower Week 8.

At this point, LSD is still needing more time. At least 2-3 weeks. Friday will be the end of Week 8.
Still sticky, but Im expecting that MAY change over the next couple of weeks Blue Dream and Skywalker OG both lost their stickyness after Week 8 or so. Could be due to longer running strains?


Thanks for the good words. You must be working on your stand-up routine, lol! Master… :rofl:
Octopot makes me look good.


Heres Day 58 Week 8 In-tent Cam Shots.

These things are so plump :arrow_up: and dense :arrow_down: already.

There’s not much “give” in these buds. Possibly my densest buds yet. First grow was the best, actually. LSD may push past those…

Good for today, but gonna have to feed again tomorrow for sure!

Cant believe how well LSD is doing. So proud of her! Almost done, just a couple more weeks left…


You’ve done a great job with her can’t wait to see the final results.

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I don’t see octopots training her out like that. You’ve done an amazing job. I do need to ask though, do you specifically look for your buds to lose the stickiness as part of your harvest? I’ve not heard of that but it peaked my interest to be sure.

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Thanks @Gadarien :100:

As for me looking for them to lose stickiness… Definitely not.
I was pretty freaked out about it. My first grow with 5 plants was sticky til the end. Typical 8 week grow. Second grow, Electrify was basically the same.
My last grow, Skywalker OG and Blue Dream went roughy 10 and 11 weeks, respecively. I noticed all of a sudden the plants just werent sticky the way they were earlier in the grow…
A very thorough check with digital microscope confirmed the better part of trichomes intact. Wondering WTF?
LSD still sticky AF. We’ll see how the next couple weeks treat her.


Thats awesome to hear @Distinct-Historian37 !
Really happy with her so far. Definitely stick around. Otherworldly* shit coming up!
She’s got short-timers disease! Almost there…


*No Guarantee of ACTUAL “otherworldly” shit is implied or otherwise expressed in this fully-legal :100:Nevada state sanctioned grow… :rofl:

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