James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Was over at my buddy’s place after work yesterday, so didn’t really get a chance to do anything with my plants. Got a little bit more progress done on his room and got one of the lights hung up and the other light prepped that had to go get another angle piece. Oh well looks like LSD is pretty much on empty as of this morning. That gauge is off and probably half gallon in there.

He decided to upgrade to his HLG Scorpion Diablo instead of dual HLG650s. For now he’s got a Scorpion up there along with an HLG350 Diablo (same as my light, but his has “wings”). His other Scorpion will arrive shortly. That room is just gonna kill it…
Oh, his Rain Science bags showed up as well. See one on Octopot base with bottom already cut out and Hydrowick inserted.
Built a 4x6 base for the nutrient reservoir to raise slightly above control res level.
Did I mention he’s gonna kill it in here?
He’s hoping for 4 lbs. I told him more like 5-6lb after dry.

He’ll easily be able to run 6’+ plants if he chooses, lol. The lights are just over 7’ at their maximum height, and clear the fan. Clever rigging :100:
Each light centered hoizontally and vertically with the Octopots.


In-tent cam shots Day 54 Flower

Definitely needin a feedin… :arrow_down: :100:

Mixing up some more nutes tonight. Possibly another custom blend…


Here’s last night’s action…

Fed and happy! Full 5 gallon :arrow_down:feeding with another custom :arrow_up: nute mix based on my months of experience :rofl:

Looking awesome.

The dreaded, but always entertaining “Banana for size” comparison…

A few random bud shots…


Glamour shots! :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

Bella :arrow_up: and Broadie :arrow_down: stayed the night and all Saturday

Here’s some in-tent cam shots…


Love how you have layered the plants in you tent, hope to emulate what you have done with my single plant grow.
Nice to see Bella and Brodie on guard, very photogenic :dog: :dog: :smile: :smile:


A lil bit of Sunday evening glamour shot session…

Noticed a bit of foxtailing. Nothing too serious at this point.

Moved light to level 8 yesterday, so all is winding down…

Gonna have to mix some nutes in the next day or two as well…
Not sure if the rusty spots are just the way this plant ages at the end of flower, or if I’m having a deficiency. I think Blue Dream had something similar. Wondering if the pH is off in the reservoir right now. Going to mix up some nutrients And be sure to keep up on PK


Here’s Monday in-tent cam shots…

In all her Dankness… :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

She’s drinking a bit slower now. Still going on custom nutes from last weeks feeding

Planning to harvest the weekend past next, maybe July 27th


Thats so awesome, Nick! Thans for the compliment!

They were super fun, but glad its over. They were a handful, and peeing all over the place, lol. Thankfully we’ve got mostly tile :100:


Glad you had a good time with Bella and Brodie and cleaning up was easy - still amazed at your grow and hope that your harvest goes well :smile:

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LSD lookng oh so squeezable! Sticky as hell.

She split big-time. Look at those thick stems…

Checked PH and EC…

Both looking good. LSD is just slowing down. I thought for sure something might be off. PH at 6.2 and EC 2.0

EC def high for this time in Flower, but she’s also a 10-Weeker. Concerned about the rust colors on leaves. Thinking EC is high, but needing some more PK. May mix low-strength batch with decent PK boost.

Plan is to harvest next weekend…

Another wet trim and into Cannatrol


Here’s Tuesdays in-tent cam shots. Flower Day 60, Week 9.

She’s drinking slowly…
Down to first line and 1.5 Gallons as of 10am

Maybe I’ll give her til tomorrow, but she’s gonna need nutes soon.


How old is she
If she slows up on drinking she’s close to finishing in most cases


She’s Week 9 Day 60.
I figured she’s getting close. Planning to harvest not this, but next Saturday around day 71. 10 full weeks in Flower.


Here’s some shots from last night. She’s looking tight. Def some minor foxtailing going on through the bigger colas… Not bothering me.

Measured distance :arrow_down: from touching diode of bar lamp to Canopy CFM Bar @ 20"

So, 20" on full blast :arrow_up: is 1000 ppfd point in this 2x2.5 Burner…

Looking below, she almost made it to my preset upper limit - the tent extension horizontal seam.

I cant look at her without thinking how pretty much everything is going so well on this grow. Gimpy limb aside, its been a milestone for me, and has taken my skill set to another level.

Just planning the whole thing from tent - to light - to strain, and working to make her fill the space just right and not exceed my very real height limitations has been so fulfilling.

Its uplifiting to have folks here on Overgrow watching and inputting. Its a supportive home here, and Overgrow community is helping me become a better grower.

I find myself pushing limits and comfort zones continually. Although I love repeatable success, I couldnt hit those new heights without stretching a bit and pushing past the comfort realm.
Its cool to think where I and others will be this time next year :100:


Here’s Wednesdays in-tent cam shots…


Here we are, Day 62 of Flower - Week 9!
In-tent stats looking good…

Here’s Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

Decided to push the watering and nutes another day. :arrow_up: She had about a 1/4" of bounce in the float yesterday mid-evening. Def feeding tonight! Just not sure what ratios…


What’s the big hurry!?

Stan says it’s Trichome Thursday! :100:

What do you guys think? Planning Harvest next Saturday, but they look like I could take them this weekend. Samples are from several colas and buds around the tent, both high and low.

Decent showing of Amber. I could let it go until next weekend as planned.
Not even going to water today because there’s still a bit left in there, so I’ll float it until tomorrow. Not drinking much at all. Ppfd around 700-800 at canopy.


Man, those plants are looking great! You might be good to go this weekend.

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Very possibly. Too much going on this weekend. Three birthdays to celebrate. Next weekend is going to have to be it


Looking great there @supersecretjim - and glad to see that Stan is on guard for you - Don’t know how you have the patience - :grinning: :smiley: