James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Yeah you can definitely take them any time now. They look great! I don’t think an extra week will hurt them though. They have very little amber.

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Here’s Friday’s in-tent cam shots…

Day 63 Flower, or as were calling it aroung here…

Stan’s 4th Birhtday! :birthday: :partying_face: :100:

We’ll be bringing Stan to Lazy Dogs this weekend to celebrate his Birthday, as well as mine and one of the boys (22 years). Wifey is 10 days later. Birthday central in this house :rofl:



Happy birthday Stan Lee


Looking absolutely textbook there Jim, those bud shots are on par with anything in a seed catalogue. Are you going another week? Do you plan to flush? Did you dim the light in the end? Looking amazing man, can’t wait to see the end result.

Edit - and happy birthday to you all!

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Still looking beautiful @supersecretjim - Happy Birthday Stan Lee - love the collar decorations :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
Happy birthday to you and your family as well - have a great time :partying_face: :partying_face: :smiley: :smiley: :beers: :beers:


Thanks Igor! Really appreciate the kind words… Buds are looking awesome, for sure. Not as big as Blue Dream was, but anything above canopy is dense, Really dense. Getting bigger every day with Foxtails on the taller colas, lol.

In response to your questions:
Yes Im going till this coming Saturday, and will begin harvest in the AM. Be an all day project. Looking for Volunteers!

Not sure about flushing. Ive done prior. May see how long this two gallons from Friday evening lasts.

I usually do leave the light off for a bit, but not much. This LSD may just go to bed 10pm per usual, and wake up to harvest around 9am… :100:


Thanks Nick! Its easy to get excited for our “perpetual kid” Stanlee :100:
As for LSD, she’s pretty much taking care of herself. Apparenty, Im just here for the ride…


Thanks Paps!
Every day is happy for Stan, but we managed to squeeze in a bit extra for him this weekend :100:


Current in-tent stats…

Decided to take some measurements…

This is from Sunday :arrow_down:

Light at level 6 just under 600 Ppfd

Moving to level 7…

Light at 660…

Decided to keep at level 6. May move to 5 in the next day or so.
Its almost harvest time!


Tuesdays in-tent cam shots…

If I keep ramping light down, I may just be able to float her til Saturdays harvest :100:
Maybe a gallon of RO water…


Still looking amazing, wish I could visit just for a sniff in the tent, must be mind blowing :smiley:
Sorry out of likes


Looks pretty cool with the flaps open :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

Foxtails Galore! :100: What’s a guy gonna do??

Just gonna roll with it. Not like theyre growing second heads outta control.
Three more mornings until harvest…


Looks GREAT! Well done. I hope the smoke is as nice as they look.


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Smoke a lot, get the munchies and then smoke some more - lol - still loving your grow @supersecretjim :smiley: :smiley: :clap: :clap:

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Beautiful Buds Nicely done!

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Guess what day it is…

69 dude

Res is bone dry since last night. I’ll put a gallon of ph’d RO water in tonight. Thats it for LSD.


Trichome Thursday!
Here’s some pics that didnt get posted due to me falling asleep last night…

Def a higher showing of amber trichomes than a week prior. Shes getting harvested tomorrow AM.

Final in-tent cam shot to come…


Love those frosty shots!

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Thanks dude!