James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

When it comes to things blue in the mix , in general less is always best nute strength wise


Lines up just great

Rain Science 7G AutoFlower Bag is a great fit! Not quite as covering to the reservoir gap as a Rocket sleeve, but similar to or possiblly a bit wider than the OG sleeves (I dont own).

Sprinkled a litlle fairy-dust in the germination area for good measure.

Soil is Fox Farm Coco-Loco. Nutes Built in. No more of that. Going HP Promix next grow, I think.

Roughly 3" from the top of bag

Eraser down…

Seed inserted! Yeah! :beers: :beer:

She’s riiight… THERE!.

And into the tent

All set up and in her new home

Ok. Sit and wait.
Blue Dream and Skywalker took 3 and 4 days, respectively.

Now everyone knows… Im too tents.


Kinda am. Unsure right now. Gonna see how today and tomorrow AM goes. I’ll post on its thread then.


Haha sorry I post on wrong topic , floating between the two oops


No worries! Lets def talk more about that over there!


I believe pro mix is the better choice . I use the bx it’s cheaper then hp
I do add extra perlite to it

you feed every time you fill the reservoir ,it’s just easier knowing that the soil has no build in nutrients . so there’s no guess work .
Your feeding just what it needs ( proper npk ) for each stage of its life

Love the clean room beautiful :star_struck:
Everything looks great


Officially logged in Jane App

In-tent cam shots


Not much point in a daily pic when she hasn’t sprouted yet :vulcan_salute:

In-tent conditions looking good

AC Infinity EVO lamp is on level one. I tested the other day and thats around 150-170PPFD. When at level 2 were pushing just over 200PPFD.

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Still no action in this one as of this morning.
I’m hopeful. Should be any minute :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

Today noon will be 4 full days. Blue Dream popped in 3 days. Skywalker OG took 4 days.

This is the first time in custom OctoScience rig, also NOT using Octodome. Although I havent tried it for fit yet, I think it will be an easier fit than with the Rocket Sleeve.

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Hopefully something happens soon. Been a few…

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Yeah that’s wild. Did the seed have a tap root going in the soil or is it germing in there? I saw you soaked it first but couldn’t tell.

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I noticed you germinated directly in the Octopot

I fine it easer to start in solo cups then
Pick the best seedlings for my Octopots

Just my 2 cents


I did.
Gonna do it that way for a minute or two.

Just like current 2x4 grow… Seed in pot. Top water once. Wait, and wait some more. Traditional Octopot grow. I’ll do the turbo method at some point, and possibly use multiple seeds to sort out the best.
Keeping it simple. Especially since I’m using a Rain Science grow bag this time. Doing it as “The Maker” intended, albeit with a different grow bag.

Once LSD germinates, lets see the progress to the reservoir compared to my Rocket Sleeves.


Here we are, almost fifth full day since germinating last Saturday at 11:00 a.m.

Hoping :vulcan_salute: today is the day. Whats the average germination times others have had? Regardless of whether it’s Octopot or not, seed in soil is seed in soil.

At what point do I call it, and try another seed? 10 days? A full two weeks? I could look up on the internet average times, but always prefer input from OG members

Would it be at all advantageous to lightly moisten the general “drop zone” area after so many days?


Did not have a tail. I had just put in the water earlier that morning to start it soaking.
Full germination in the pot.


Well look who decided to join the party :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Good morning young Padawan… Skywalker will teach you the ways of the Octogrow :100:

Sky-cam view

I’ll remove the dome this weekend and get the humidifier going.


Officially a seedling. Logged in!


Super happy to see LSD pop this morning. I was starting to stress a bit. Nice start to the weekend, for sure!

I did forget to mention I installed the OctoDome a couple of days ago. Curiosity got the better of me and I wanted to check for fit.
Three words… Like a Glove.

So, Rain Science grow bags are a great fit to the Hydrowick. They accept the OctoDome waaaayy better than the Rocket Sleeve will. Cut a 4" hole in the bottom center of the RS bag and Go.
Another shout out and thanks to @Mr.greenbee for the RainScience inspiration. Im sure this will be a great match for the Octopot.

Took a bit longer to pop than Blue Dream at 3 days and Skywalker at 4. Hopefully thats not a sign of slow growing plant.

Now, we all get to wait as she finds her way to the reservoir.

Going to check PPFD tonight and make doubly sure its where it needs to be.


There a lot higher quality than the octopot sleeves. And they fit great on top the octos. There worth the price and will last many years imo. Wait till it comes time to clean the octos there 10 times easier to clean than the grow sleeve


After that first Octopot grow with the Rocket Sleeve tearing, that was it for me. Handwriting on the wall. In my mind, Rocket Sleeves are disposable. I wont even try to save the two that are in the 2x4 with Blue Dream and Skywalker OG. Cutting them off to see the roots in bag vs roots in reservoir anyway.

The Rain Science bags are only SLIGHTLY more expensive, but sooo much better in quality. From the quality Im seeing, they should each last through several grows. Im hoping this grow with them goes well. Got two ready for the next 2x4 grow.