James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

This mornings out the effendor Pic…

Root check on 8/31/24. Looking good :100:

Buddy’s Octo-grow started same day as mine, roughly.


Too tense :100:

How did these things get so close in grow cycles!? :crazy_face:
Looks like Tiki HSC is going to Flower very soon… next week or two. Only weeks behind the Powie Twins next door.

Really gotta keep this stuff spread out a bit more in the future. Setting myself up for failure


That’s a familiar problem, the next lot are always ready before I’m ready or have room for them in the flower space. I like your refrigerated cuttings idea, is it as simple as it looks, just cuttings in sandwich bags in the fridge and they go into a sort of hibernation? That would be great for buying extra time.


Thats pretty much it, Igor…
I found some info here, and on a couple other sites.
Basically, dont freeze them… low 40s works best. They just need a bit of moisture and open the bag every week or several days to check condition, make adjustments and exchange air.
You could use any means to support them, but does need to be sealed environment.

The lack of light and lower temperature puts them in a sort of stasis. Buys time. Been in since this past weekend. They seem to be doing well so far.

Make sure cuttings are long enough that you can cut at least 1" off the stem when you decide to go forward and try to get roots to come out. That last inch or possibly 2 inches of stem may be compromised.

If mine look good this weekend, I’ll probably let them slide another week then see about putting small selection in cups or Turbo Kloner to see how roots populate.


Tiki girl is looking good! Backed the light down just a bit to level 5 from 7. She’s around 600 Ppfd now. Was around 850.

She’s filling that canopy :100:
Very happy with this one, so far…


Fridays out the effendor pic…

Stan hanging out with our adoptee Leia…

Leia is doing so much better after 10 days here. She’s going home with Bill this coming Monday evening :100:


Hi there

I’ve had mine last 40 plus days
Suck out the air and keep them dry


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Cool to know youve done it with success!
I’ve had a couple start to look bad. Will try drying a bit. I think they are a bit too moist, and I did remove the paper towel from one bag. I’ll check again tonight or tomorrow :100:

Here’s Saturdays In-Tent cam shots…


Looking totally baller Jim. Someday I’ll get close to your skill with these plants!

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Wake up!


Fed Athena Blended at Full-strength…

Moved her to the right as well. Octopot now against right wall.

She should fill out enough in the next couple of days to make me happy. Flip to Flower this weekend! Hope she doesnt go too crazy on me.

This is Day 25 of Veg.


Mondays out the effendor Pic…

In-tent cam shots…

This scares me. :arrow_down: Hope its not an issue later. Supercropping gone wild…

Overall, she’s looking pretty damn good. The one branch scares me, for sure, Other than that, shes tits.
Gave full-strength Veg feeding yesterday, and got a few gallons left over to top off. She’ll be on Bloom nutes come this weekend :100:

I have no idea what she’s going to do after the flip. Dont want to overgrow this space…


Tuesday’s out the effendor pic…

Getting full in there :100:
Maybe I should flip now…


Tuesdays in-tent cam shots…

This is Veg Day 27… Tiki Madman Hawiian Snow Cone. Gonna be beast, I think.


Wednesdays out the effendor pic… Veg Day 28

In-tent cam shot…

Decided tonights the night. Going to bed at 9pm, instead of usual 10pm. Right past 6am, and “let there be light” at 9am. Flip is on!

This girl is more than ready :100:

Tiki Madman Hawiian Snow Cone. I think she’s gonna be all that…


And a bag of chips! Man another full AF tent. Great job again!


Thanks, Gadarien!

I feel she’s doing all the work. Im just around for the ride. Gonna start getting exciting now. Less clearance in the amount of -5" due to box fan installed above EVO4 lamp.
Let the stress-fest begin! :beers:


Officially in Flower! Waking at 9am

Flower Day 0, or is it Day 1?
She’s just behind Powie Pineapple, who’s on Day 12, doing time in the 2x4 Money-pit. Pineapples roomie, Poison just got evicted for being… Ballsy.

Couldn’t help but grab a few in-tent cam shots…


Got home a little bit early. This thing is just poppin…