James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Your grow is thriving :green_heart:

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Thanks, Puff :100:
Much appreciated! Hoping it stays on course!

My Girls all looking good…

Cant say the same for this lil girl. She wandered into the shop this morning around 7:30.

She just stayed in the corner for a couple of hours, She started eating some dog food from our hands. So hungry…

After a few hours we were able to move her to the main office

Not sure what to do with her from here. I cant take her home. She’s super gentle and looks to be fairly young.
Gave her some of Stans things I keep here, and Joe brought some dog food from home.


Plants look great. Poor puppy though. Are you fostering?


I wish that I could.

I think one of the guys here may take her home.
Definitely not set up for a bigger dog. I can only physically handle a dog maybe 20 lbs tops. Stanlee pulls on me too hard at times.


Good she’s gonna get care. I understand the need for a smaller dog. I don’t know if I’ll ever get another bigger dog, but it won’t be before I have a yard they can run freely in.


Leia made it through the night just fine. Yes, we named her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Think were gonna keep her on as a shop dog until we can get her to a "real’ home. I think one of our guys will take her on in about 2-3 weeks… fingers crossed

Gonna get her to vet and get shots, and get her washed up. Bringing more stuff from home, and so are others from work.

She may just meet Stanlee this Friday. Should be interesting :100:


Wednesday’s in-tent camshots…


Plants are looking amazing my friend. And thankyou for being nice to all dogs, say, “hi!” to Stanlee for me.


About time :100:

Easy to reference Ppfd numbers at light level 10 and 7 on top and bottom net levels

Right now, Tiki HSC is getting around 600+ Ppfd, Nutes at 650 ppm. Officially Veg Day 14. Gonna go another 2 weeks most likely.

Flipping the 2x4 this weekend


Thanks Igor!
She’s a cutie and really needs help. Cant save the world, but I can change this lil girls world with a bit of help from others here at the shop :100:

She got up and walked around yesterday evening just before 9pm. Did her business… Watching her on security footage, lol.


Couple photos from last night…

So, does the new update that OG recently performed, now limit me to only one photo at a time? Trying to load from phone is now a MAJOR fucked up chore if only one photo at a time allowed on a posting.


I’m not sure about the photo upload limit, it’s been raised a few times in the software update thread. I’ve been uploading them individually, the first I knew we used to be able to multi-upload was when people said they couldn’t do it anymore. :rofl: I’m not a fan of change myself. I use a browser that blocks ads, plus an ad blocker but somehow I’m seeing lots of ads now.

Thursdays out the effendor pic…

She’s spreading out nicely! Couple more weeks, I think!

In-tent cam shots…

Looks like one small branch fell over. Right by the yellow sticky-trap. I’'ll address that tonight :100: Got a bit rough yesterday :neutral_face:


Hi @supersecretjim - looking forward to seeing how you deal with the ‘bendy one’ - that is what killed my NL -
Nick :smiley:

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Dude. Seriously!? :exploding_head:
One broken stem/branch killed an entire plant? Tell me more. I promise you wont get reported for going off-topic, as its my thread :100:
Ive heard certain strains can “bleed out”

I ask only because you have no threads, and kinda curious…


Fridays in-tent cam shots…

Plenty of tie downs right now. There will be more :100:

Plan some more maintenance on Tiki Hawiian Snow Cone tonight and through the 3-day weekend that Im really NOT taking advantage of…


Hi @supersecretjim - it was the first branch, I managed to damage it when tying it down. The tip stayed green but the plant side turned brown, this spread to the main stem - the whole thing then just gave up the ghost :sob: :sob:
Will have another go soon - just thinking about how :thinking: :smiley: :smiley:

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Last night’s project… Attack of the Refrigerated Cuttings!

And here’s this morning…

Might try sticking a few of these in my Turbo Kloner next weekend, but really want to see how long they will keep looking good and if I can do decent rooting from them in a month to two months.

Just an experiment.
Took many cuttings from Powie Poison, Powie Pineapple, and single cutting from Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone.

I’ll have to check again, but I think it’s around 42° to 44° in there.


Some of this weekend’s action in the Mini-Pit…

Was planning on Flipping her the weekend after this coming Friday, but we’ll see how things go. She’s really starting to grow!

HSCs sisters are looking pretty decent, but I moved them to some slightly bigger 1 gallon pots. They were definitely getting Root bound

These are much more stable than the round bottom pots they were in Prior :100: